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I want a small truck with a big bed so I can carry stuff. A Toyota Hilux Champ looks like my dream truck, but we can’t have nice things.


More than 50% of the people.

Substantially less than 100%. The terms are not synonymous.

they certainly do provide insight into the language used in the constitution, as well as the intent of the authors.

Some of the authors. If it was sufficiently representative, it would have made it into the Constitution itself.

If Congress chooses to discuss a term used in the constitution, their usage does not alter the constitutional meaning, but only establishes a legislative meaning.

This still does not establish the constitutional meaning. You have notably not provided sufficient evidence to establish a constitutional meaning.

the states accepted and enacted the constitution in the context of the papers.

Correct. The states accepted and ratified the Constitution, not the Federalist Papers.

and have no problem whatsoever considering the disciplined portion to be unambiguously a part of the Militia.

That portion being the “whole nation”.

The “whole nation” is not disciplined. I was quite specific: if, and only if, the “whole nation” is disciplined, it is appropriate to consider the “whole nation” to be synonymous with the Militia.

What if I argue that Congress found a different way to ensure the population was “properly armed and equipped” that didn’t require annual assembly?

“Properly” being the functional term here. “Armed and equipped” is not the same as “Properly armed and equipped”.

If you don’t like being held to pedantry, don’t make flippant categorical equivalences of precise legal language.


Cybertrucks are not dumpsters. Dumpsters have a much bigger capacity.


10 USC 246 does not cover males under 17 or over 45, these are part of the People who are not legislative Militia. Hypotheticals are not evidence.

The Federalist Papers are not the Constitution. If you draw a distinction between the constitutional and legislative, I’ll draw a further distinction against commentary.

I am a proponent of disciplining the whole nation, and have no problem whatsoever considering the disciplined portion to be unambiguously a part of the Militia. If Congress does indeed reinstate assembly to properly arm and equip every member of the People, I will promptly concede. But hypotheticals are not evidence.


why can’t I make it ice ball?

As an aside, the last 5e character I played before switching was an Order of Scribes wizard, which can do exactly that.

So I regards to the difference between fireball and firebolt, you’d start off casting firebolt and you can increase it’s power until you may as well just spend that energy on the explosive attribute. Though if you didn’t want that explosive attribute you still could cast firebolt with the same energy as fireball.

You can’t though, Firebolt is a cantrip, you can’t upcast cantrips, they just get more powerful as you level up. They don’t even use spell slots, it’s just a different empowering mechanic entirely. Guess what though, what you’ve described is how it works in GURPS.


Yes, exactly, stripping away all context. It’s not about intent, it’s about the warped perception of public figures. The intent and context, no matter how true, are more subtle than the very real fact that it’s bad business.


the constitutional meaning does not exclude anyone

Buddy, you keep just saying that like it’s some b ontological fact. I’ve repeatedly asked you for evidence to support that and you keep shifting focus to avoid doing so.

Until you can provide concrete, tangible evidence to support that interpretation, I’m not interested in hearing anything else. Show me documentation, not just your own assertions. No more dancing.


I misread and thought top guy was also saying he didn’t understand quantum physics, and thought it was a way better meme than it was.


I get your perspective, and I love ious D, and I have no fond feelings for Trump. But however flippant and unserious, it is, on the surface, another call for assassination. Jokes encouraging political violence, especially about assassinating a presidential candidate right after an assassination attempt, are in pretty bad taste.


But not with what you said, and not with what you’re currently saying.

Personally, I disagree with the definition in 10 USC 246; I believe the “unorganized militia” should still imply training, even though the members may not presently be active members of the National Guard. The right to bear arms should fall under the same kind of regulation as operating a vehicle: subject to training and demonstration of competence. But it is what it is.

But this is all secondary to the core issue of the claim that Militia = People, constitutionally speaking. Again, rectangles and squares. So long as the definition of one excludes some members of the other, no matter how large the subset, they are not synonymous. The specific vocabulary is crucial to legal interpretation, and the central point of my contention.
