Psychiatric Registered Nurse
Love memes and scifi/fantasy.
So there’s the serenity prayer right?
May I have: the strength to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.
(I usually tell people the secular version because otherwise sometimes the wisdom is lost on those who have been profoundly hurt by religion) But there’s another layer there.
There are things I can change but not without a lot of help and/or a lot of time. Capitalism fits that description quite well; I’m one person, and it’s going to take everyone working together for a long time to change things.
In the meantime I and numerous others need to be able to keep up well enough to a) not die or become severely disabled b) have the energy to contribute to bringing down capitalism.
You don’t have to agree with the game to play it for a little while. And for a lot of us playing that game does mean drugs. I hate it but that’s my truth lol.
But also, yes. The increased need for psychiatric medications across the board for as many people as we’re seeing is definitely indicative of a larger social problem that many people don’t want to admit.
“There’s always going to be disabled people!” Yeah but right now they’re intentionally disabling people to keep the system running, lol.
I feel like I got mental help too late in my life and now I can’t recover.
I am 25 now
Jesus dude the way you started that off I was expecting you to say you were at least 55. I graduated college with an associates at 26 after being hospitalized four times for either trying to kill myself or throwing down with my boyfriend over dumb shit (or both). I’m still in school now.
You know the average human lifespan is like 75 right? You’re only a third of the way in!
And if there was a time limit on sexual relationships, it wouldn’t be so damn hard to control the spread of STDs in nursing homes.
Crossposted w/credit! to c/popmemes. C/popmemes is designed as an intermediary to acclimate outsiders to lemmy’s meme culture. Thank you for providing this fabulous specimen!
Sign language.
Before I was a psychiatric nurse I sat a lot of 1:1 suicide watch, but also a lot with people who were very sick and had a lot of tubes in various preexisting and created orifices. All of those tubes can be very uncomfortable, and even if the person logically knows they will recover and need the tubes to do that, they have to be constantly reminded to leave them alone. LOTS of people rip out their own urine catheters and even breathing tubes, and the anchor bulbs can make a very bloody mess on their way out.
When communicating with such people I often wished we both knew sign language fully, but I did know some basics I would teach to patients over the course of a shift. I highly recommend everyone knows
- water/drink
- toilet (PLUS piss/shit since they might help you differently for either one)
- pain/hurt
- food/eat
- vomit/puke
These’ll take you thirty minutes to learn today and if you’re strung up in an ICU someday it might make hell an inch less hellish. Communication boards where you point to the letter can help a whole lot, but when you gotta shit you gotta shit!
So in the case here where I told my fiance to take his shoes off… It’s a whole field. It’s a mass grave. If you intend to cross it in any way you walk over human remains and not ones that were respected in life. It just seemed wrong to put my dirty shoes that had been everywhere on them and I told him to behave similarly and that’s the question. He did it and didn’t hate it or get angry or anything, just told me it was odd and he’d never heard of doing that before, and I can’t even tell you where it came from it just didn’t seem right to put dirty shoes on them.
But it’s not just that though I remember doing it back in art school when we did gravestone rubbings. Doesn’t seem polite to walk your shoes on graves somehow?