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It’s not great but I honestly like it. For a few reasons

  1. It forces me out of the house to get my full 10k steps in. Which I never get when I wfh due to my ADHD and putting it off.

  2. I always feel if my coworkers are online I’m hesitant to ping them because they may be busy and I don’t wanna bother them. If in the office, I can see if they’re not that busy and have been able to say hi.

  3. I have a toddler and when she’s not in daycare she, or my partner, likes to come in and break my flow

We’re 3 days a week in which is good and bad since I def am able to see most coworkers at least one day a week and also have two days I can wfh and either leave early or have an easy morning, but is weird due to when people come in.


I used to very frequently. (For about 3-4 months, 5-7x a week)

Don’t anymore. Wish I did


Right. And he’s a man’s man. Does things because he has an internal code he ascribes to vs makes him feel cool. He doesn’t have to play at being a man because he’s the epitome of a conservative coded man. He also was very cut and dry, and knows the limit of his power/his strengths. Every time it’s a science or medical thing he puts all the weight on bones and never tries to influence her or tell her she’s wrong about science.

When it comes to his domain, the interpersonal/political/legal stuff he knows his area of expertise and takes over. In every episode, when bones says “this is a murder” or “we need this stuff at the Jeffersonian” he instantly kicks into gear and gets his people to scoop everything up and GTFO. Him and the new orleanian DA lady come to blows every so often, but that’s expected for cops vs lawyers.

The Angela thing was a similar way when it comes to code. iirc she chooses hodgins at the end because while they’d both do the same thing (take care of her and the baby to the best of their ability) hodgins did it because he loved angela, his internal code, and that’s “just what guys do” Whereas Wendell said “I’d do the right thing” and she wanted someone who did things because he wanted to. Not to have her as a burden. Again coding IMHO that you don’t just need to know societal values, they need to be second nature.

In the whole show, when pretty much all the women either have a scare or get preggo. The topic of keeping it/not keeping it is never up for debate or takes on the Uber complicated topic of abortion. It’s just “they’re keeping it”

That being said. This is not meant as a “this show is bad” comment thread. Enjoy what you want. I just would’ve loved to hear from the writers/producers of the show to see how much weight Fox put on them or on any other show they make/produce/etc. to be more pro-conservative.
