

156 posts • 149 comments
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It’s very deliberate.

One of the key features of an abusive relationship is shutting you down from people who can help you.

If someone’s in the middle of a disaster, and Joe Biden’s federal government comes and helps them out, it’s a catastrophe for the Republicans. It brings the psychotic lies people have been told about the government into contact with the reality of the federal government in the real world, which is one of the few ways they might be able to break out of their elaborate propaganda-bubbles.

If, on the other hand, they’re convinced that FEMA is now coming to kill them, but also their home has been washed away in a mudslide, then they might wind up fleeing the state, living with their family on their brother-in-law’s couches, trying to scrape by, becoming more and more desperate, with no one to give them any substantive assistance of any kind. The desperation increases. The fear of anything governmental or democratic can continue, and increase.

And then, when their brother-in-law offers them a rifle and an invitation to come with a few people and shoot up the election office, or the Democratic organizer’s home, because the government already tried to kill them once when they were at their lowest point, and they escaped only by the skin of their teeth, so it might as well be go time… well, they might accept the offer. Because why not?

By demonizing FEMA, the Republicans are turning what would have been a problem into a recruitment tool.


We’re doing Fox News, now? Huh.

Anticolonialist, how’d you run across this story? Just reading up on Fox News like all the anticolonialists like to do, and you decided to share this story when you ran across it? Or some other way?


The motive is unclear

Not to me it isn’t.


It never even occurred to me that carbon capture might be storing a giant tank of gaseous carbon dioxide. I assumed that it meant chemically reacting the carbon into some kind of solid material which was then discarded as waste, because trying to store huge chambers full of gaseous CO2 at a scale that can impact climate change is clinically insane.


Most people don’t want the bot to be there, because they don’t agree with its opinion about what is “biased.” It claims factually solid sources are non-factual if they don’t agree with the author’s biases, and it overlooks significant editing of the truth in sources that agree with the author’s biases.

In addition, one level up the meta, opposition to the bot has become a fashionable way to rebel against the moderation, which is always a crowd pleaser. The fact that the politics moderators keep condescendingly explaining that they’re just looking out for the best interests of the community, and the bot is obviously a good thing and the majority of the community that doesn’t want it is getting their pretty little heads confused about things, instigates a lot of people to smash the downvote button reflexively whenever they see its posts.


I know! He came into office with strong sanctions being applied to Israel for their massacre policies, a decades-long established ban on the construction of new settlements, and an agreement which was undoing illegally constructed settlements and resettling Palestinian families back into their homes. Biden broke with all of that, gave Netanyahu a green light to start their apartheid policies again, and personally visited the West Bank and shot a few Gazans himself with a sniper rifle, just to emphasize the point.

In contrast, Trump is famous for protecting the rights of Arabs. Just like he is Hispanics and Chinese people. Why, the strong protections that all Palestinians enjoyed were partly his doing. They were part of the Iran / Muslim immigrant / asylum seeker reforms he enacted. Although, the main work was started by other Western politicians. I can’t wait for Trump to get elected, and undo all the harm Biden’s been doing, and finally set us on the road to lasting peace in the Middle East, and a world where the rights of vulnerable non-white people will finally be strongly protected in the halls of power.



This is the idea behind /c/inperson@slrpnk.net. The idea is, instead of using this platform to gripe at each other about “yes it is” “no it isn’t” “yes it is”, we can start to organize and make things better.

I propose that any time one of those awful “no one vote it definitely won’t matter trust me” posts comes up, we make a thread underneath it with some links to productive positive things we’re doing in addition to, obviously, voting for the guy who’s not going to blow up the country and piss on the ashes. Turn the shilling into a reminder to get out and do something concrete.

Right after I get done typing this I’m going to go back to trying to figure out a way I can volunteer some time to the Biden campaign. I’m going to be honest, I feel a little corny even typing that out, but I think trying to make sure Trump doesn’t win is for real the most effective thing that’ll set us up for more positive change and less end-of-the-world disaster in the near future.


I don’t see anything about preventing corporate landlords from buying it all and renting it back to us.


Post your recommended way to reform then. 100% unironically serious about that. All my previous posts were about “outside the establishment” venues, today’s was the first that was within the establishment.
