

10 posts • 250 comments

Discord: @azalty

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/azalty/

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You’ll have to explain me how 15 decoys are enough to make you untraceable, there is still roughly a 1 in 16 chance that a transaction your output is the real spend in a transaction where it is included.

Imagine you are A, and B and C are two different third parties

If B -> A -> C, then all good

But if B -> A -> B, then there is a 1 in 16 chance (in the best scenario for you) that in B’s eyes, you were the real spend. Add to that the fact that most people don’t churn and B doesn’t have many customers, and it becomes a lot more likely that you were the real spend (I’d bet my money on it).

CEX or not, you’re still traceable


Seems good!

About the Monero software, try using Feather Wallet. It gives you more infos about your outputs (you can select each one individually), handles everything better, and usually syncs faster (with remote nodes). I advise using Tor nodes (Tor support built-in) or using a VPN

Use a trusted remote node, as they’re currently pretty much able to track which outputs are used as decoys, as your client asks for them

Locally syncing by downloading the blockchain is still the best way as you will leak less things, but is super slow. Pick your poison (or run your own remote node!)


The more outputs you have/use, to more traceable you get. The more churning you do, the less traceable you become

I would advise to mix your outputs at different moments rather than all at once in a final big transaction, as those kind of transactions really stand out. If you’ve made enough churning it shouldn’t be a concern anyways but 🤷

On the other hand, mixing outputs early will also make you more traceable (but will lower the cost of churning, as churning many times many individual outputs is expensive), so I’m not sure it’s the best option either


False and false

Using CEX and sending multiple transactions to the same person will make it really easy to trace you. You just need to have an opponent that is willing to do it and has what’s needed (your government for example)


You got it right! It’s exactly that.

I personally put everything on the same account and use coin control to spend only specific outputs but that’s just because I don’t like changing accounts

You’ll have to know that one you spend an output on the second account, it will pretty much result in a change output that isn’t as much churned (still no link to the original withdrawal, but could be statistically linked to the transaction you just made with it). In the end it’s all about what you think are the capacities of your opponent, their motivation to get you, and the risk for you if that happens. Most of the time and with the current situation, no one is good (nor interested) at statistically tracing XMR, but that might happen in the future.
