Even the Washington post write about the US militaries involvement in top gun.
It is an open secret the US intelligence agencies use Hollywood for propaganda.
How can we do worse than the uk? But well. The neoliberale politicians will certainly try to turn things around.
Beijing had set a target for 58GW of installed nuclear capacity by 2020, but as of September 2023 is just short of this with a combined installed capacity of 57GW, and 24 units under construction with a total installed capacity of 27.8GW, according to CNEA.
So every unit is a little over one GW? Sounds good, but their plans is to only have 18% nuclear by 2060, so it seems that won’t be their most important electricity source.
I wait for the day anti green politicians in Germany stop pointing at the alleged biggest polluter in the world (China) saying: “whY shOuLd wE do soMEThInG agAinSt clImatE cHaNGe, if TheY donT foLlOw”?
Well the EU has many great carbon neutrality targets. Not sure if we reach them tho, lol.
As for peaking of CO2 emissions. A handful of countries have reached a peak a few years ago. The chance is good they will never come back to that level again.
I don’t think that nato would pack up their bags when Ukraine looses. Nato lost no soldiers just equipment. A more realistic scenario would be a new us president (or trump again) that decides that this much spending abroad is stupid.
And Europe alone right now does not give enough weapons to Ukraine for the war to continue indefinitely.
Looks like he has no official position. This “chair of Nato enlargement” thing seems to be a petition he created himself.