There seems to be a LOT of this content posted in 1337x under ‘foreign movies’.
They went easy on you. Some overzealous mod permabanned my entire account for talking about Lemmy. Allegedly against their ‘content guidelines’
The Achilles heel of the piracy community: content that not enough people care about to bother purchasing it and then re-distributing. Welcome, friend. Niche interest demand payment I’m afraid. Perhaps after you buy them all, you can rip to x265 and distribute…but keep in mind that company probably doesn’t have many customers. You are probably hurting them if you do.
Not sure mate. I’ve had a target on my back for the last couple of years I believe. I had a bunch of accounts at one stage for different purposes. I used to post a lot of long-form content: reviews, how-to tech guides etc etc and as a self preservation technique I kept each niche to a seperate account.
Over the last 2 years I had one 11 year old account, one 8 year old account and another few fresher ones perma-banned with no reason given, or just the flimsiest excuse under the sun. I must have really pissed off one of the mods/ admins - they can track you by IP and browser info etc.
Who gets to decide what is acceptable speech? Who watches the watchers?
Why is the world no longer ok with the fact that people hold differing opinions on things, and feel the need to segregate themselves away from people that they disagree with?
This was the fundamental problem with reddit IMO - the echo chamber was very real. The community guidelines and upvote/downvote mechanic were such that you basically ended up with a hivemind consensus on any given issue simply because any view not inline with that consensus was hidden, obliterated or banned. That’s not healthy discourse.
The same is true for any echo chamber, and the same will be true for people who elect to hide in a walled garden over at beehaw and pretend that there simply IS no differing opinion on their chosen issues.
The problem is, you only serve to delude yourself. You go about your life believing that the world is on your side, when in reality more often than not you are part of an extremely small minority.
I think the current solution of multiple instances will work fine and is far preferable to what you are suggesting, which is a simple duplication of the global censorship policies that kill any genuine discussion on reddit around hot-button issues.
I read that glowingly positive article this morning. It was the most unequivocally positive game review I’ve read for years! I quickly downloaded the demo and gave it a go. What a steaming turd of a game.
Who in the hell would waste their time on this hot garbage? Painstakingly climbing a tower hand over hand…for what? The graphics aren’t even good.
It seems like a lot of people have issues with the implementation in the cx-5. I suspect they have run too much cable between the deck and the USB port: a common cause of issues.
As the years have rolled on, Android Auto has improved in leaps and bounds. Newer decks and vehicles don’t seem to suffer such issues. I use a Kenwood DMX820WS and a brand new phone and I don’t get any of those issues at all.
My early experiences were much like yours.
I really wish I’d waited another year to buy a deck with a wireless implementation.