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17 posts • 141 comments

Surreal multimedia artist who draws with minerals in various states of distress. Here to fictionally drown in uchronia, voidpunk, ♤ and transhumanism. They/them.

Please feel free to correct any language I attempt to speak in. Feel free to critique any of my work posted

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Oh I hope that means you found your drawing tablet! (or was it your pen you lost, can’t remember)

Exciting that the fic revival is still going strong!


Heck, and I love critique. I love being aware of what it takes to create the craft and calling out trash. But there is so much misinformation that people wield like a weapon happily.

Well, I don’t mind not getting (direct) engagement. My issue is people not seeing enough activity to feel its warrant enough to join. Enough people do it and it becomes self-fulfilled fate.

There is a particular community on reddit I love deeply but the idea of everyone migrating to a different platform was largely spoken of as if it was an act of betrayal. As if reddit itself was the entire reason the community was as it is instead of everyone who acts within it. I occasionally check in on it, but haven’t been logged on for… I have no idea at this point hhhh


Yes my full list of favourites are at least 50 monsters if not 100 long.

In general fandom stuff on my own time, yes. It only took me over a decade to write the first fics for a stupid dinosaur game. No regrets there. But in reading your response a thought came to me to where some of my personal hypocrisy comes from? That pressure knowing how a lot of people will just not engage with something if they don’t think they will get attention. Why people keep sticking to places like reddit instead of helping other sites grow.

The latest brain worm to grab me was what I was complaining about last week (or the week before?). The 2 musical animated series based in hell. The people who attack those for liking it and even fellow fans attacking each other for not liking things the right way. Usually I can roll with this but right now its at a particular pitchfork, fires with bandwagon stage. Obviously the smart answer is “wait to post and play after the trolls and purity police move onto something else” but that’s not how special interests work lol.

I’m glad!


speaking of doodles~


I just meant in general, regardless of game use. Meganium and Galvantula are among my favourites but aren’t great for a serious teams (I use them anyways <3).

More of, “I wished my schedule allowed me to dive into this more” + anxieties/hopes to finding safe places to be stupid about new favourite things. Also a way to keep better eye on challenges and events. Not a great feeling when something rare you are into had an event and you completely missed it lol.

I have no interest nor energy to update anything I’m on for a daily nor weekly bases. Despite the fact I compulsively doodle nearly every day and thus technically have “content” that could be shared. But no thank you. (If anything to start, I’d just be posting old work on Dreamwidth. Have to continue spreading my love of DinoRun to absolutely nobody lol)

Thank you kindly for your thoughts and well wishes.


Congrats on the restart! Pokémon is also one of my longest hyper-fixations. I love mythical dexes and monster raisers and that was one of the very few video games that had those elements that came to my country at the time. Which monster(s) is your favourite? (this question is open to everyone please I can happily talk about this for too long)

The world really feels like its falling apart. However somehow various distractions are helping me not completely drown in misery and finally work opportunities are cropping up. Yay?

I made a Dreamwidth account some time ago and proceeded to completely forget about it. I’d like to get it properly figured out brain, please.


Having a few meltdowns but of the expected neurodivergent sensitivities, so overall still avoiding that fog!

Not all comments are like that! Heck, just the other day got a beautiful one from a fellow comic creator~

Ah, that’s very true. Thank you for informing me. Just feels bad when people are trying to create communities away from the hells of the bigger sites but can’t.


There are a handful of comic peers I know who have either bought or made their own visual assets that they can drag/arrange for misc backgrounds and so on. Saves so much time and I deeply envy not being able to hold a consistent enough of an artstyle or POV to be able to take advantage of that as well.

I’m glad to hear that some parts have gotten easier. 100% always effort but as with all art forms can catch us off guard where said efforts actually have to be applied!


Oh good catch! I absolutely do that in drawing depending on the art style my brain has decided to focus on. Usually the more “simple” looking the style, the worse it gets. The less details there are the more vital that each line is shaped just right. (The oneshot I tried to draw in Humongous Entertainment’s style was a special hell.)

The only reason I’m getting things done is that I’m largely embracing that if I want anything done, I have to allow stories to be short. Notes that were 30+ pages long (mixed with notes I forgot were for other stories (80% being doodles)), taking out the most clear parts and making that a 18 page comic. But I also enjoy cold opens and open endings. Those who prefer more traditional pop culture western story structures would 100% be in hell.

And for certain fandoms there is less meta pressure because the official works are astoundingly poorly written/designed. They dare ask people to give them money for massive plotholes. Some plotholes easily fixed if they tweaked a handful of lines (hi SwordShield).

If companies can charge for rushed jobs and earn billions for it, I’m clearly doing fantastic for being a team of one giving shit out for free.


Oh I’d have a special meltdown if I lost my drawing equipment!

To be worried if something is too wild is a very common worry in story design, fandom and original! Perhaps because I’m on that side of the spectrum that has no shame in pure crack fiction I’ve not had that issue. But it is fascinating to watch people overthink such things. Especially when they are writing fanfic for a setting that has Mario level amount of thought into it’s design.

Best wishes on this next restart!
