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Some people are questioning why there are gender-specific categories in chess.

That’s a good question and my understanding is that there is only a female category and then the general one where both men and women can participate. The female one seems to have been created to encourage the participation of women due to the general one being monopolized by men.

You may agree or not with that reasoning and I am not trying to take any stance on it, just trying to answer the questions on why they created a gender-specific category in the first place.

I am not really into chess competitions and my understanding of this point is based on explanations I saw from others elsewhere, so I may be wrong.


Yeah, many people don’t want to read and understand, just copy and paste.
I saw that in a lot of people I worked with on projects, they just look for something to copy and paste from the Internet without even trying to understand what it does. Just looking for some command without even paying attention to the text around it.
I remember one girl once that I gave her the link to the documentation explaining step by step what she needed to do, a link I had to find myself and pass it to her, of course, even when it was her task. Those steps included some alternatives like “if you are in this situation, run this command, but if you are in this other situation, run this other command” but she ignored all the instructions on that page and started copying and pasting every command that was found there. When I asked her what she was doing and why she was running every command there without reading the explanations around them, she said she thought she just had to run all the commands on that page.


I know crossposters make transition easier for people who find it hard to completely switch from Reddit to Lemmy, but we’ve been there already in Mastodon and crossposters were not very appreciated because they are basically bots. They allow you to continue using Reddit or Twitter as your main account while you mirror your content to Lemmy or Mastodon.
It’s frustrating for people who actually use Lemmy or Mastodon to find some content they want to interact with and later notice it’s from an unattended account that is just mirroring content from another site so your interactions won’t get any reply because you are basically talking to a bot.


I guess this is the declaration they are referring to?

The only reference I find to Malvinas in that declaration is point 13:

  1. Regarding the question of sovereignty over the Islas Malvinas / Falkland Islands, the European Union took note of CELAC’s historical position based on the importance of dialogue and respect for international law in the peaceful solution of disputes.

Which actually uses both names “Islas Malvinas / Falkland Islands” and doesn’t really take any stance on it other than “taking note” of the CELAC’s position on the conflict.

So it seems The Guardian’s only bother with it is about the EU acknowledging the existence of the issue and using the Spanish name of the islands together with the English one?


Github Copilot.


I know you are not suggesting that seriously, but if we were to consider that seriously, I don’t think it would work.
Palestine (and more concretely Jerusalem) is considered the Holy Land by Judaism, Islam and Christianity. That’s why the state of Israel was created there and not somewhere else. And that’s why Palestinians wouldn’t receive with a lot of enthusiasm the idea of being given a state of their own somewhere else.
A big part of the conflict is a “holy war” thing about who controls the Holy Land.


Some other already gave good possible explanations to this, but I am adding my own subjective uninformed view on this:

Not many people may actually like wearing crop tops but they do it for ‘fashion’ reasons and those fashion reasons so far dictated that women are the ones who have to wear them.

Me, as a man, haven’t personally tried crop tops, but it feels to me like it would be uncomfortable. It feels actually uncomfortable to me when sometimes I wear an old t-shirt at home which has become shorter leaving some small lower parts of my back or abdomen uncovered. And it’s not because of any social construct, I live alone and nobody can really care about what I wear, so it’s not that. But it’s like feeling cold on the lower back of my torso but warm in the upper part. It just feels uncomfortable.
That’s just my personal feeling but I can imagine more people could feel the same.
So I can imagine wearing a crop top can give a similar uncomfortable feeling?

But sexualization of women required them to expose more parts of their body (most of their torso) while covering those ones not considered to be decent enough to be shown in public (breasts). But that sexualization and exposure of their bodies is something that is usually not so much required from men.

I think the original question asks why not so many mean wear crop tops as a choice they make, but I think it hasn’t been so much a choice for women as it may have been a command from sexualizing fashion and the heteropatriarchy has determined that the uncomfortably and exposure of their bodies related to crop tops is something women have to wear not always because it’s their choice but to comply with sexualized fashion standards.

I am not a woman or wear crop tops either, so I may be wrong on all this, I’m mostly just thinking out loud 😄


Forty years as a Spaniard and I just learnt now tourists come here to buy espadrilles, which is even a word I just learnt from this map.


It works for me, so the issue must be on your side (or they fixed the link)


Oh, yeah. I had this situation so many times in this same project. Even pointing them to the documentation and telling them to read it because the explanation was there didn’t even work because they just wanted immediate answers. Sometimes I even had to join them on a call and tell them to stop, open the link on a screenshare and read it out loud to me to make sure they were actually reading it and not just telling me they read it.
It felt like teaching to read to first-grade schoolers.
