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dRLY [none/use name]
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TIL. Which further proves how the right of the faiths like to leave that shit out and act like shit is evil.


Thanks, that shit is hilarious. They really focus on the anti-US stuff, but never want to see why folks in the DPRK would feel that way after the “bomb them to the stone-age” shit we did. Let alone the forced bans on DPRK being able to freely deal with other nations. Good reminder of how gleefully ignorant and indoctrinated our own government supported propaganda mouthpieces are.


If you have a need to have an MS account but want to set your Documents, Desktop, and Pictures folders back to the old local versions instead of OneDrive taking over. I have found using this to be very helpful when helping customers that don’t want to use it and avoid the headache of running out of the free storage. Obviously making a local user after getting into Windows the first time would also work. But it is always good to have fallback options for folks that Linux isn’t an option for whatever reason.

If a folder has been taken over by OneDrive it will give a path that shows OneDrive like C\Users\User\OneDrive\Desktop instead of %USERPROFILE%\Desktop so just remove everything before the \ and replace it with %USERPROFILE%

One thing to keep in mind though. If you already have data present while it is set to OneDrive, it might make your stuff look like it is gone. But you can download/copy the files from the actual OneDrive folders into the regular folders after.


They really seem to ignore that said conscripts are more or less handed weapons by the oppressors committing genocide. And puts them in a good position to just take all the weapons they can and build an armed resistance with said weapons. They might have been forced into being there, but they could be finding others and merc-ing the genocidal and apartheid fucks. If the right-wing govs want to unintentionally arm the left and other people that know said govs are evil. Then it seems foolish to not exploit the fuck out of it. Even if the conscripts might have been initially not against their govs. The moment that they wake the fuck up, it is basically still supporting evil if they don’t rebel. Shit is already a war, so the otherwise regular day to day things that might hold someone back are gone. You are either going to be killed for following orders and attacking the oppressed. Or you might get killed for fighting back. If being killed is likely anyway, then fucking at least be on the correct side of shit.


I would add all C tier executives and board members (and shareholders that hold enough to be just below the board) in any and every company that is large enough to be multi-state/national. Especially those that create the “too big to fail” situations like banks and investment funds. Also including of course the entities that treat basic human needs like housing as stocks to be made more and more costly. So would mean landlords, HOAs (especially those that are not even actively living in the area covered), and fuck it, just no trial required for the insurance (medical and other) and pharmaceutical companies. Along with the politicians taking any money/stocks/kick-backs from any of the groups mentioned (though I am also fine with just literally all current and previous leaders of both false parties).


I don’t know enough of the econ level stuff and there seem to be lots of good answers. I will say that with regards to things like finding treatments for illnesses that don’t impact many people should be better under socialism. As a lot of treatments tend to lose funding due to there being less money in those kinds of illnesses (unless they find a larger use that also still happens to work). And things like game controllers would fall under assistive tools and seem like they would see more efforts.


While I really really don’t want it to be Covid. I sometimes really wish that my entire department would all catch something that would mean we all were sick enough to be down for like a few days. As it would be a real treat to have a shock to the leadership of our store see how fucked they are without us. The reason I want us to be sick is that it is the only way they couldn’t do anything against us legally and I am somehow always like the only person that never calls out and just feel I am punished for never doing so. I never stopped working when the massive shutdowns happened and somehow have not caught Covid even when people around me have. But even though I kept coming in, I always somehow find myself on management’s shit list for being late a bunch or seen as somehow not “being a team player.”

The only leader that has my back is my direct one and that is because she was in the shit with me since before all of this and wasn’t my boss. So I also include her in wanting to be not allowed to come in due to being sick. The GM and other folks always think we don’t do enough (even when we are overloaded and they still try to pull us away from our appointments and fulfilling promises that customers were sold). I would absolutely love for them to try and give us any write-ups or anything if we were all verified to be too sick to work.

Just knowing that they wouldn’t have anyone that is allowed or trained to do our jobs and have to actually deal with our asshole entitled clients would make me happy. And it would be very easy to use it as an example for what a walk-out could do if needed later on for those that aren’t on team “let’s do a union” vibe.


I think the only issue with a txt version would come down to not being able to view the items that aren’t actually regular text (scans of originals and the ability to see stuff that was handwritten or whatever) or images. Of course most of the docs will be just text, but it would be easy to lose information. What is your main issue with them being in PDF?


Hell yeah! May not be a Gundam, but it was the prototype that lead to all the other mechs for the Wing series. So I still more or less count it and its sequels on-par with the Gundams. I got an Endless Watlz special edition Master Grade model and was just sick! So was the whole set from that line of models, really need to finish collecting them. Aside from TG I, I have: Deathsythe (non-Hell), Wing (non-Zero), Heavyarms (pre-custom), and Sandrock (haven’t built it yet though). It is nice to see what the original versions look like with the Endless Waltz treatment.
