Jesus wept.
Russia poisons everything.
“Unfounded fears.” “False claims.”
Just do us all a favor and say that Trump LIES, non-stop, every fucking time he opens his mouth. He lies like you and I breathe.
Trump will chicken out if there is a rule that he can’t run his fucking mouth over Biden. A stream of liquid shit from that anus-mouth of his is all he has.
Kant would like a word.
If Republicans didn’t hold this up in their attempt to lick Putin’s taint, we wouldn’t be in this situation.
You know George, they really aren’t very good films. I don’t want the originals because they were good, I want the originals because those afternoons spent sitting in the theater in 1977 (and 1980, and 1983) were memorable experiences for me, and the original cuts evoke those times in a visceral way.
It’s not about seeing “your” movies, it’s about reliving parts of my youth the way I remember them. These are my memories, not yours. Grow up.
Handy Trump Translator:
“A lot of people are saying X” = “I am saying X”
“No one knew X” = “I didn’t know X”
“Biden is on drugs” = “I am on drugs”
“Rigged and totally unfair” = “Not rigged and completely fair, but I don’t like it”
“No one knows more about X than me” = “I am the dumbest motherfucker on the planet, and I don’t even know it”
He’s not wrong. But you know, there are some things you just don’t say. I don’t call my wife fat.