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I think Trump can wear a giant swastika necklace much like Flavor Flav and get on stage praising Hitler today and his numbers won’t change. His MAGA crowd will likely like him even more if he did that. Discussing whether if Trump read Hitler’s writings or not seems kinda pointless right now.


For visibility, I’m posting the geologist Shawn Willsey live stream link in the body of post here.



Yikes. That’s a four horsemen of deplorables. What a horrible echo chamber of depravity.


Apple did remove Parler from the App Store in the past due to lack of moderation. It did not end well for Parler. I don’t know how badly it has gotten over there on Twitter though. Is Twitter reaching the Parler level of toxicity yet?


PSA to everyone that has never played Destiny 2.

tldr; Epic is giving away Destiny 2: Legacy Collection. You’ll have to give Bungie whole bunch more money if you really want to play. Don’t give Bungie your hard earned money because Destiny 2 is now pay to win and they’ll always try to screw you. Don’t get sucked into this game and give this horrible company your money.

According to the article, Epic is giving away Destiny 2: Legacy Collection which contains The Witch Queen, Beyond Light, and Shadowkeep. If you’ve never played Destiny 2 and think this seems great because now you can start playing Destiny 2 for the first time. This isn’t so. You’ll still need to spend bunch of more money if you want access to seasonal content and they’re really not an optional. Just when you thought you’re done, you’ll then have to buy the Dungeon content which isn’t part of season pass. Oh by the way you can’t just buy season pass with money. You have to purchase their premium currency and then buy season pass with that currency which means you’ll always have a left over premium currency. This is definitely scammy and it’s by design.

Destiny 2 is dystopian microtransaction hellscape. They’ve been adding layers of microtransactions for years and this is the result. If you want to see how bad it has gotten watch this video by Aztecross.



Here is an NPR article on this.


This seems like a really big deal. The obvious downside is the cost but hopefully that will come down over time.


Go F Yourself meltdown is probably the final nail in the coffin. It does seem like space nazi knows it’s doomed. Anyone know what happens when bankruptcy happens? Does creditors take over the company? Does he get sued for negligence? Does it get sold to a highest bidder for pennies on the dollar? I’m hoping someone can enlighten us.


He doesn’t seem well. He sounds like someone that desperately needs help. Even though I think he is a giant piece of shit, I hope he has someone around him that can get him some help. Perhaps selling Twitter or just shutting it down could be part of the solution. If nothing is done, I’m afraid this guy will end up as a case of drug overdose or suicide.


Here are my takeaway. Christian does sound slightly miffed at the fact that Voyager has copied much of the look and feel of Apollo. Even though he has not contributed any code directly to the Voyager app, he has indeed “contributed” to it indirectly. I highly doubt Christian will go after Voyager app in a legal manner. He definitely would have a legal standing to do so but that would alienate his support from the past Apollo community that has moved onto Voyager. There is just no reason for him to do so. I suppose I can imagine a crazy scenario where Apollo IP switches hands to another company and that company decides to take legal action against Voyager but that seems highly unlikely. In retrospect it would have been nice if developer of Voyager basically got permission or just simply asked Christian if it’s okay to use the look and feel of Apollo in writing. That would have avoided any awkwardness or ambiguity.
