Auf Wikipedia steht zur Bahnreform:
Am 2. Dezember 1993 stimmte der Deutsche Bundestag mit 558 Ja-Stimmen, 13 Gegenstimmen und vier Enthaltungen für das notwendige Gesetzespaket
Also wurde das von allen Parteien getragen, oder?
CDU/FDP haben in den Vorjahren vor der Umsetzung die Vorarbeit dafür geleistet. Und SPD/Grüne haben das fleißig weitergeführt.
Using Kagi is not a bad decision. After reading a lot of positive things about it and beeing quite hyped, I was so ungently reminded, that every good thing comes with its own baggage of bad.
I thought I share it, so that everyone can make their own decision.
I also tried Metager, a german meta search engine. Sad to report: not usable for me, although I like their club (suma-ev) and donated some money towards them.
For now it’s DDG I guess. :-(
If your goal is to get away from this AI shit show, Kagi might not be the answer, according to their own blog.
I will search for a very interesting article you should read, before deciding to give kagi any money.
Edit: found it