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It is being discussed but in the context of Economics. Neo-liberal economic theory presupposes an economy that is infinitely growing and infinitely consuming. That is running head-on to the fact that there are natural limits to our consumption. Politicians, financial/business leaders and mainstream economists have skirted by talking about serious issues when it comes to health, society and equality by saying “growth will even it all out”. Now growth hasn’t even things out its just made inequality worse, our planets biosphere is collapsing and our leaders have no answers, why? Because they have been brainwashed by sudo-science and fairy tales of infinite growth and wealth.

People are discussing solutions to this within the context of Degrowth, ecological economics and doughnut economics. However those theories are not popular to the mainstream because it accepts limits and advocates for things like wealth redistribution and limits on wealth, and the extremely rich/powerful don’t like that.


An economic system that is predicated on perpetual growth and resource extraction will eventually collapse as there is no more growth or resources to extract. Everyone is tapped out and there is nothing more you can squeeze. So it’s not surprising that the people on the lower end of the economic pole are taking what they need to survive, if the economy can’t provide for your basic needs then fuck the economy.


Its always fun watching the media machine work in real time. COP was a joke to begin with, it was a joke at the end. Nothing in that statement has any real measurements on how/when they are going to stop fossil fuel use and that’s because they legitimately don’t have one. The profit margins, the societal infrastructure that is built on fossil fuel use make them not want to touch it. They are addicted to constant non-stop GDP growth and nothing gets them there faster then using fossil fuels.


Agreed geoengineering is bad science/engineering IMO. You can’t know what the long term effects would be until after its been deployed. The safest bet would be to just ditch fossil fuels but that’s not as sexy.


The land barons of CA are no joke. They are a problem that we are going to have to deal with one way or another.


I am a man and I believe yes men should understand menstruation and birth control. Its something humans do and you should have a basic general knowledge of how/why it happens. Also vice-versa, women should understand how/why erections work or don’t work. In general we should just be better at understanding each other.


So the barbiturate addict who is partially brain damaged doesn’t understand something that requires him to be open to changing his habits? Shocking! 😐


So I am currently switching careers into vertical farming and have done a lot of work and research on this subject and here is just a bit of my 2 cents.

  • Vertical farming can be less water intensive then traditional farming. Combined with an aquaculture system it can have negligible to no water loss which is great for arid climates.
  • Hydroponic/Aquaponic systems have a huge upfront cost yet a comparably negligible year over year cost.
  • This method has proven perfect for growing certain fruits, vegitables and leafy greens however has shown so far that its not the best for growing things like fruiting trees or staple crops like corn/wheat.
  • Financing for vertical farms are virtually non-existant. So generally you have to go to private equity for financing. This is a problem as vertical farms are not the most profitable even after recovering $$ from upfront startup costs.

So it has great potential to seriously change our current food system and allow us to keep producing food in spite of drought. However it has a long way to go as a technology and will need serious federal legislation to create financing programs for this method of agriculture so farmers are not saddled with insane debt and growth projections that they will never be able to meet.


As a born/raised/living Californian I can attest to the fact that its not California that is the problem. But as my ancestors would say it’s “El Pinche Gringo’s” that tend to be the problem.


Because he is not an actual progressive. Hes just a spoiled rich kid who like to pretend to be a progressive.
