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Nice. I have seriously looked at this option too. For now I’m just too cheap to do it 😂


I’m way faster with Dvorak, and am 100% touch-typist only. If I look at the keyboard I’ll get mixed up. My phone keyboards are QWERTY though–go figure.


Foundry is a virtual tabletop I use for my DnD game I’ve been DMing for my group for the last four years. It’s only on windows right now because I also use it for streaming games from my gaming rig, and the Linux drivers for the Xbox controller Bluetooth option weren’t up to par. I’ve since gotten a Xbox wireless dongle which is supposed to work flawlessly. When I have more time I’ll probably switch it back over to Linux.

I run a node.js version of foundry as a service from it though, and everyone just accesses it through their browser window. I’m 100% with you on preferring Linux. My deadline for getting it switched back over is probably when win10 goes EOL, because it is an old enough PC that it can’t install win11 without the workarounds.


There’s another one of us! Quick! Take a picture!

I’ve only met one other person that knew who/what Dvorak was/is, and also reportedly used that keyboard layout.

I struggled with getting lost on the keyboard (several family members have dyslexia and ADHD–I’m not sure if that is related or not), and as an experiment spent 4 months exclusively using that layout to force myself to learn.

They never told me how my brain was also only big enough for a single keyboard layout. Usually in windows, games map to the same keys automagically. On Linux, not so much. I’m constantly remapping controls because I can’t be bothered to just have two keyboard layouts I swap between for games /facepalm


I think I have you beat for most vanilla.

I play games on PopOS, and host FoundryVTT on my micro PC running Windows for DnD. I also stream games from the PopOS gaming rig to the Windows PC so I can play them from the couch on the weekend.


I try 😂

I just recently had my players plan and execute a “prosperity gospel” give us your money and we’ll double it scam. It was exceptionally well thought out and one player even wrote a speech he gave, and because it was a bustling space station (Glavis Ring Station) I decided about 10k people attended or were in the immediate vicinity. They rolled exceptionally well in scamming the people and made off with like, 40k credits split down the middle for both players.

To punish them and show consequences for actions, several of the gangs and people started searching for them and they were spotted in a busy area, and they got into an altercation. One player forgot the scene was a crowded transit station, and then he got grappled he panicked and punched off a 20ft point blank AoE around himself that dealt 6d8 damage, vaporizing four enemies and a dozen innocent civilians. They then ran on a train where the thugs chased them, where the other player shot a direct line AoE that hit the train engine compartment, which exploded and caused the train to derail presumably killing all the civilians on board.

My players had a blast (literally!) And now security forces are scrambling, scouring the space station for them. They keep joking about how you either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.

They are going to see several holonews reports in the next session about the political blowback, and this will result in a serious escalation of the conflict between both factions. One side will accuse the Republic of terrorism and destabilizing a “neutral” safe haven and retaliate, and the republic will suspect the separatists of staging something to give an excuse to attack, and will stockpile and prepare for conflict.

We are playing a Star Wars 5e scenario, set about a thousand years before the movies.


I try to build in the option for a combat scene or the ability to sneak or talk their way past it in every session, so that my players can decide the battles they want to fight and the ones they do not.

-3 points

This is a tough one for me. I’m pro-privacy, but I’m also pro-sane driving habits.

EDIT: Thanks for the replies and some constructive DMs. You brought up a lot of things I needed to consider that my lighthearted comment and thoughts behind it ignored. Privacy is and should be a fundamental right. This comes before the right to drive aggressively or defensively. Privacy should be non-negotiable.

I’m going to leave this comment up because I believe it is a teachable moment. I have reevaluated my position, and I am wrong. Thanks for the thoughtful replies.


I’ve received letters twice from the same individual who belongs to a JW church. The first was when they moved into the area, and the second was when I moved to another place.

Your property ownership records (if you’re American) are public records, and if you grab it within like, 3 years (where I live), you can even find the closing price and more detailed information on the sale.

Demand better privacy laws.
