

2 posts • 31 comments
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That’s right.

I was just composing a top-level reply for @Flax_vert, but since your corrected answer is more concise, I’ll piggyback here to add:

  • Remember to Save Settings at the bottom of the settings screen


  • I had to close and relaunch Jerboa for the saved Listing and Sort changes to take effect. Simply refreshing the home page didn’t do it.

This is the Jerboa community. Your answer is incorrect, as it refers to the web browser UI, it does not apply to the Jerboa UI.


Sounds like that disappointment has you pretty steamed.


Article ends with:

There was no independent verification of the surgeon’s claims.

The internet tells me that “plant growth requirements” are air, water, nutrients, space, and light.

Let’s imagine. The growing plant was found in a lung. It must have:

Air. Plants ingest carbon dioxide, exude oxygen. Both gasses are present in our own respiration. So that checks out.

Water. I guess water was leeched from the lungs’ blood supply, since we’re all just bags of mostly water.

Nutrients. See water, above. If the mamallian reproduction system can supply a growing embryo with required nutrients, why not those required by a fir sapling? Sure, they’re different requirements, but press on.

Space. Assuming that no other competing species of plant is growing in the lung, this isn’t a problematic issue.

Light. Ah, well. Photosynthesis requires sunlight, and I am reminded of a joke attributed to Groucho Marx, Abraham Lincoln, Nicola Tesla, and Albert Einstein:

Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read, or to cultivate horticulture.

I am as dubious of this fir sapling story as my quoted joke’s provenance.


Oh my god, thank you! It would never have occurred to me that that could be the reason for this.

What an oversight.


Like @Cycadophyta, I’m not particular in my coffee needs.

Weekdays I drink a cup of Maxwell House at breakfast (never Nescafé; I avoid giving Nestlé my money whenever possible, and at supermarkets around me it’s either Nestlé or Maxwell). No coffee during the workday, as I’m typically outdoors or on the road, and, uh, restrooms aren’t always available, or convenient an hour or so after I might otherwise like a cup of Tim Horton’s.

Weekend days I’ll have a 1-liter pot of grocery-store medium-roast beans that I grind coarse for my French press. That’s as snobby as I get: knowing that it’s called a French press, and that a coarse grind means no silt at the bottom of a poured mug.

I never bought-in, literally or ideologically, to Starbucks coffee. Never have tasted their wares. I figure, it’s just coffee: if I want to participate in group culture with my coffee I’ll drink it at snack time with a cup of yogurt. The few times I’ve been inside a Starbucks shop is to use the restroom (see above).

As for McDonald’s, personally I’d decline. Do you know about that cheeseburger and fries that were bought at the last McDonald’s in Iceland, back in 2009? As of 4 years ago (2019 date of that BBC article linked) they were still intact. McDonald’s positing that “without moisture in the environment, they were ‘unlikely to…decompose’” is all well and good for a burger and fries, but that still-not-stale coffee you made hours ago ain’t moisture-free. Have you experimented to see how old a pot can be before it’s undrinkable, or, dare I suggest, sprouting?

I hyperbolize for humour, of course. I’m so unpicky that I don’t even know what stale coffee would taste like: I’m not averse to nuking a cold mug for a minute to reheat it. But I’ll drink it with just a bit of half-and-half in it, and you can enjoy your old McDonald’s brew with whatever is in it.



I posted about the exact same thing just 10 hours after this post was submitted. Seems to be a popular wish-list item, and for good reason. https://jerboa@lemmy.ml/post/1285175

It was suggested in my post’s replies that I submit this to github, which I have done: https://github.com/dessalines/jerboa/issues/709.


Well, happy update to me, then, thanks!

I still do favour the transparent-background version, but we progress…


From the app’s Home page:

  • Tap the 3-bars hamburger icon at top left corner.
  • Tap on Settings (currently that’s immediately below “Inbox”)
  • Tap on [your account name] settings (currently it’s immediately below “Look and feel”)
  • Scroll down the page to the checkboxes, and uncheck “Show Read Posts”
  • Remember to scroll down to the page bottom to Save Settings (!)

I have Default Listing set to All, Default Sort set to Hot. Both unchanged since I last saved them.

This community still opens with Active sorting, even if I close and reopen the app.

Is there a Community-level value that overrides the client-side?
