
kittin [he/him]

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US corps get more than 3x the subsidies than Chinese companies. The problem is they use this cash for stock buybacks rather than investment.

And that’s direct subsidies only, not counting rebates and tax concessions which are an order of magnitude greater. US companies are extremely coddled and subsidized.



US soldiers attacked in Turkish port of Izmir

Turkey has arrested 15 members of a radical nationalist youth movement after they were accused of assaulting two US military personnel in the western city of Izmir, authorities said on Monday.

On Monday, a video circulated on social media showing alleged members of the anti-American Turkish Youth Union (TGB) attacking American service members.

One US serviceman tries to free himself from the gang but is unable to break their grip.

"Yankee go home! Yankee go home!” The men scream in English.

Several people are seen forcing a bag over the head of a person dressed in civilian clothes. One man unfurls a flag with TGB initials and a picture of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern-day Turkey.

“American soldiers who carry the blood of our soldiers and thousands of Palestinians on their hands cannot defile our country,” the TGB said in an X post sharing the video.

The bag over the head referred to an incident from the 2003 Iraq war when US forces in northern Iraq arrested a group of Turkish soldiers, forced hoods over their heads, and held them for three days. The incident outraged many in Turkey and across the Muslim world.

“We can confirm reports that US service members embarked aboard the USS Wasp were the victims of an assault in İzmir today, and are now safe,” the US embassy to Turkey said on X. “We thank Turkish authorities for their rapid response and ongoing investigation.”

‘Hamas defends Anatolia’

Erdogan says Turkey ‘might enter Israel’ as it did Karabakh and Libya

The attack came after the USS Wasp carried out joint training exercises with Turkish military vessels in the Mediterranean.

The drills drew criticism from some in Turkish media close to the opposition, which saw the American ship’s deployment as part of the United States’ support for Israel.

Since suffering significant losses in Turkey’s local elections in March, the Turkish government has intensified its criticism of Israel and taken a series of steps against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed Hamas is defending Turkish lands against Israel, and that Israel - a close US ally - could attack Turkey if its not stopped in Gaza.

“Israel is not only attacking Palestinians in Gaza; [it is] attacking us. Hamas is the forward line defense of Anatolia in Gaza," he said.

The statement came as bilateral relations hit a new low after Ankara completely halted trade with Israel earlier this month, demanding an unhindered flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza Strip and a ceasefire.

“Israel will answer for the 35,000 Palestinians they murdered and the 85,000 people they injured. We will be on their backs,” Erdogan said.



Releasing names of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told

Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the Second World War.

A list of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could remain secret as federal officials come under increasing pressure to censor the records because they could prove embarrassing to this country.

Those consulted included members of Canada’s Ukrainian community, records show, but Library and Archives Canada, also known as LAC, did not include Holocaust survivors nor Holocaust scholars who had advocated for a full release of the list of alleged Nazi war criminals, Jewish and Holocaust academics say.

Some of the individuals and organizations consulted by LAC argued against releasing any of the information, warning it could be embarrassing or lead to prosecutions of the alleged war criminals.

“A few stakeholders were concerned that the release of the report would result in new legal action (criminal prosecution, citizen revocation, or otherwise) being brought against the individuals named in the report,” a summary of the library’s discussions noted.

Other stakeholders who advised LAC worried the list would embarrass Canada’s Ukrainian community or be used by Russians for propaganda purposes, the records show.

Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the war.

Jaime Kirzner-Roberts of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies in Toronto questioned why survivors of the Nazis’ genocide campaign were not invited by LAC to give their views on whether the list of Nazis and their collaborators should be made public.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies was also shut out from attending the advisory meetings and was not aware they had been conducted.

In September 2023, Immigration Minister Marc Miller acknowledged “Canada has a really dark history with Nazis in Canada.”


It’s very rare and a sign that the carrier force is overstretched with too many missions.

Earlier this year the US made a “show of force” sending 5 carriers to the pacific to “reassure allies”, to combat the “perception” that they were overstretched, but now with half the force undergoing maintenance and the other half engaged with Israel / Houthis / Iran / other more important business, it’s a very strong signal that the US is at the very limit of its capacity to project force.


Lmao I remember that, the accusations that giving women access to free higher education and vocational training was cultural genocide because now the women would have the financial independence to choose if they wanted to live according to traditional social rules or not

Edit: and the time that giving school kids free school lunches was cultural genocide because Muslims fast during Ramadan - and the western libs revealed they aren’t at all connected to Uyghur culture in which children under 14 usually don’t fast anyway.



Israeli union leader says ‘country is on its way to political ruin’

Histadrut labor federation chairman Arnon Bar-David announced at a mass protest in Tel Aviv, “This afternoon, I decided to halt the Israeli economy starting tomorrow morning. Some are upset that I didn’t call for a general strike sooner, but I’m here to ensure no one is left behind. Jews don’t abandon Jews—what’s unclear about that? It’s unacceptable for our children to die in tunnels due to political considerations!”

He added: “We refuse to remain indifferent to the fact that our country has become one of abandonment! The economy has also been abandoned. As head of the Histadrut, the country is on its way to political ruin. We must stop this …coalition money is still going to unneeded ministries. Tomorrow morning, all of Israel will not go to work…including ports, factories, and offices.”

The strike will start at 06:00 local time on Monday with Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport closing also.



Kamala Harris’ Lead Over Trump Being ‘Steadily Cut’—Poll

According to a new ActiVote poll, conducted between August 25 and September 2, Harris leads Trump by 1.6 points, on 50.8 percent to his 49.2 percent, a lead within the poll’s margin of error of 3.1 percent.

Her lead is down from the 5-point lead she had over Trump in ActiVote’s last poll, conducted among 1,000 likely voters between August 15 and 23.

“Harris’ poll numbers improved steadily for about three-four weeks after Biden dropped out, followed by a period of two weeks where it hovered around a 5-point lead. In the past five days that 5-point lead has been steadily cut to just under 2 percent,” ActiVote pollster Victor Allis wrote.

Nancy Pelosi killed brat and now they don’t have any messaging strategy


Foreign Affairs - America Is Losing Southeast Asia

Yankees try to talk about Asia without making it all about “face” challenge: impossible.

Highlights from long article (summarized using HexB-AI)

Breaking down this year’s result by country shows that since the 2023 poll, the United States has lost the most ground to China among respondents in Laos (a 30 percentage point decline), Malaysia (a 20 percentage point decline), Indonesia (a 20 percentage point decline), Cambodia (an 18 percentage point decline), and Brunei (a 15 percentage point decline). The United States has also lost ground in Myanmar and Thailand (10 and 9 percentage point declines, respectively).

The United States still commands very high support in the Philippines (where 83 percent of respondents selected it over China) and Vietnam (where 79 percent did) and solid backing in Singapore (62 percent), Myanmar (58 percent), and Cambodia (55 percent). But only in three countries did respondents’ preference for aligning with the United States over China grow from 2023 to 2024—the Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam—and these increases were small.

The United States has lost support most dramatically in countries with Muslim majorities. The 2024 survey revealed an especially sharp hardening of sentiment from 2023. Seventy-five percent of Malaysian, 73 percent of Indonesian, and 70 percent of Bruneian respondents surveyed said they would prefer alignment with China over the United States, compared with 55 percent, 54 percent, and 55 percent in 2023, respectively. The survey did not ask respondents why they made this selection. But it is telling that when a different question asked respondents to select their top three geopolitical concerns, nearly half ranked the Israel-Hamas conflict at the very top, surpassing the 40 percent that ranked the more geographically proximate South China Sea dispute most highly.

Western media outlets often carry reports about the debt traps associated with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. But BRI projects are generally welcomed in Southeast Asia for the growth and development potential they offer the recipient country. One high-ranking diplomat from the region pronounced it a model for how to win “hearts and minds.”

The United States wants to counter Chinese disinformation. But efforts to do so must address the root causes of why they resonate. China has depicted America as a “craven warmonger” in Gaza; many Southeast Asians with whom I recently spoke, including non-Muslims, said that this characterization rang true to them. Such a depiction would hold little water, however, if not for Washington’s own response to the crisis in Gaza, which has supported or at least acquiesced in Israel’s worst excesses.

Really sucks that Chinese disinformation has so much obviously true facts to work with
