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Right now I’m in soft-break until probably 6.45, so I’m mostly just doing dailies and weeklies and occasional crafting. Normally I’m playing new content or doing completionist-ish stuff. I don’t raid though, not a big appeal for me – but that’s about the only section of content in the game I think I haven’t really done much with. Right now I’ve been running the subs at my FC to keep occupied.

I started playing around 5.4, and caught up with MSQ between 5.45 and 5.5. It’s hard for me to pick favorites in terms of content… I finished my card mount grind a couple months back, which gave me a good excuse to try just about everything at least a little bit. FFXIV claims I have about 195 days of playtime. I’m definitely not a sprout anymore though I look back at those first few months very fondly.

I play on Brynhildr; I don’t use add-ons but I don’t judge those that do. I appreciate that add-ons are pushing SE to add useful features/QoL adjustments for everyone.

My main source of info is r/ffxiv and a variety of Discord servers, though I’m hoping this community can grow bigger over time so I can fully disconnect from Reddit eventually.
