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Yes. I do have a basis for comparison, and I’m happy to provide my thinking.

Biden is currently supporting a genocide in Palestine and a bombing campaign in Yemen. There is a strong islamophobic slant in the current cabinet.

Biden is a career politician. He knows precisely what he needs to publicize and what he needs to bury. He also generally has more social capital in government.

Trump is a racist and a fascist, but most people in government also think he’s a fucking moron. He also literally cannot keep a single thing a secret. He also would likely support the same genocide and bombing campaign that Biden is currently enacting.

Trump is worse in the sense that his beliefs and followers hold a collective single braincell, and that braincell is focused on being racist and generally bigoted. But with that said, there is no real way that he can remove the term limit for the presidency. It’s just not really within his power.

Biden is worse in the sense that he has spent an entire career smoothly enacting imperialist policies, some of which were also pretty racist and bigoted. But he also knows what to say and what to do to make people forget about them, not to mention that both of them are old as fuck and show signs of actual senility.

Ultimately I guess Biden is less terrifying for us in the United States, but unfortunately this election doesn’t just affect the United States.

I guess it’s easy for people to forget about the cost of removing our troops in Afghanistan the way that we did, and how we judge Obama so harshly for the drone strikes that Biden is doing now in larger numbers.

I do want to say that Biden has done some good things. The student loan forgiveness is not at the level that was promised during his previous campaign, but it is relieving the financial burden for many people. He also stopped the construction of the keystone pipeline which is obviously a win for climate change activists all over. And yes, he did remove the troops from Afghanistan which needed to happen twenty+ years ago, even if maybe it could have been done in a better way so as to not leave a huge power vacuum. But trump also did a few good things in his presidency.

His tax tariffs were very effective, the COVID support plan and operation light speed were both very effective and helped millions of Americans through a pandemic. He also accidentally bolstered the strength and support of Obamacare. Not really his intention, but I still consider it a positive.

I want to clarify that I am a leftist, I do not in any way support trump. I will not be voting for trump at all. My reason for thinking through all of this is to say whether I want Biden to win at all, or if I will just vote on everything but the president.


I’m getting so many messages from people about how immature and impractical it is to be wary of voting for Biden just because he isn’t trump, it’s absurd.

Biden is probably as bad as trump in very different ways, but dipshit liberals would have you believe that it is your patriotic duty to vote with them, otherwise you give a vote to trump when you refuse to vote.

With that being said, please vote in your local elections and for pretty much everything else. As liberals seem to forget, the president is mostly just a figurehead, but your senators, representatives, congressmen, etc mean much more and affect your life more significantly.


Funny equals censorship complaint.

You’re a fucking retard


Explain to me how being reluctant to vote for one of two presidential candidates due to their policies and global politics is immature. Am I supposed to just say “well millions will die either way but at least sleepy Joe relieved some student debt?”

What’s impractical is running a country off of the lesser of two evils vote.


So you’re saying Israel has a right to genocide Palestine because of the previous thousand years of history before 1967?

We can cherry pick timelines if we want to, but the fact is that Israel has occupied Palestine for the last 50 years. This is why Hamas exists, and this is the issue we face today.

The previous thousand years only serve as propaganda for modern Israel to be on board with the genocide.

This is just straight up islamophobic rhetoric


The same could be said for trumps proposed future attempt to remain in office. The military did not ever really side with trump.


Man it’s crazy how these people think they can instill some false duty onto any leftist to “do the right thing” without actually weighing each of the choices carefully. They just see a D next to someone’s name and think they must be the good guy, regardless of what they say.

Did we all forget about the kids in cages on the border? Or the lack of free healthcare/college? Did we forget about the union busting? Biden is not a good guy, he’s just barely better than Trump. He’s certainly better at hiding the heinous shit from everyone.

But yeah man, were all bad people and unamerican for wanting a better choice and hating our hand I guess?


Do you mean prior to the Israeli occupation of Palestine in 1967? Because I think it’s somewhat reasonable to be hostile towards an occupational force.

Not a gotcha I’m genuinely curious at what point in history you are referring to, apologies if it sounds antagonistic.


You don’t care about Palestinian hospitals and children being firebombed? Dope.

Edit: I’m sorry but telling me to grow up while also saying the phrase “trumpian dictatorship” has gotta be one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.


I don’t disagree with this, but Hamas was created by Israel, and now Israel is bombing all of Gaza because of Hamas. It really seems like Israel has been planning this genocide for a loooong time.
