

1 posts • 26 comments
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Pretty much this. Though I tend to be more into the giantess thing. Shota is kind of a turnoff for me but size difference is 👌


I have to say I 100% agree with you.

I’m not even into loli/shota. Milf content is my thing. But I’m very dedicated to the idea of truth. And the truth is that loli/shota content is way overblown.

If evidence ever comes out that it does harm children then I’ll charge against it, but so far it has as much evidence for that as the video games cause violence thing. And actually a good amount of evidence supporting the opposite. It helps reduce the amount of actual harm by providing an outlet. An outlet that harms no one.

Free speech is another thing I passionately care for. Without it we may as well stick our heads in the sand whenever someone we disagree with comes along, which seems to be the case with a lot of the reddit migrants.

We as a society or people never progress or learn by cutting off communication and discussion, but instead by throwing ideas and beliefs into a gladiatorial ring of scrutiny where the fallacies and lies get shredded to reveal the underlying truth.

As the quote goes “If we collapsed as a civilization, our gods, our beliefs would all disappear and change, but physics and mathematics would be rediscovered and would be the same.” - My butchering of a quote I don’t remember the origin.

The DMCA thing made me actually laugh, lol.


I got kinda bummed that someone over at the exploding-heads instance was spreading bullshit about that.

Denmark has no laws restricting loli art. Why? Because after all their studies and research they failed to prove it could actually harm real children. We’re finding similar stuff in the U.S.

Even showing a clear case that it helps reduce child harm.

People that prioritize drawings over art are really hurting actual victims here.


Most arguments are based on belief rather than facts. We rarely do the research and testing ourselves and instead just trust whomever we already agree with and is considered an expert.

Problem is that’s on all sides of the political spectrum. Everyone thinks their experts are right and everyone else is crazy or deluded.

The way to resolve this and find out what’s actually true isn’t by shutting down what one disagrees with, but by engaging in debates and discussion with each other, and pointing out the holes in each other’s reasoning and tests.


For Android you guys should check out Seal

I don’t think it goes as elaborate as the above post, but it works on every site yt-dlp does.


People rarely know what the paradox of tolerance really is and just use it as a cudgel to shut down any argument they disagree with.

The creator of the idea himself said

"I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise.

But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument"
