Yeah, I liked the gorn episode, but it kinda came out of left field. I mean, it didn’t help that in my head every time they would talk about the gorn in earlier episodes I would think of the dude in the green lizard suit, so I had this comical picture in my head of all these people being terrified of a guy in a silly outfit and was not mentally prepared for an alien remake… is great for finding shows and movies. Just make sure you have a really good ad blocker on your browser.
If your first instinct is to condemn this man for what he used to believe I would urge you to think about how we would ever go about affecting change without people like this who believe one thing, then see the error of their ways and change their mind. Sometimes a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing.
Spiro’s letter complains about Meta hiring some of the many workers who were laid off or resigned from Twitter in the eight months since Musk bought the company.
“Over the past year, Meta has hired dozens of former Twitter employees… these employees had and continue to have access to Twitter’s trade secrets and other highly confidential information,” Spiro wrote in the letter to Zuckerberg. The workers, he alleged, “owe ongoing obligations to Twitter,” and many “have improperly retained Twitter documents and electronic devices.”
“We fired a bunch of people and you hired them to build the same thing they built for us! Not fair not fair!”
Attacking civilians is also plain and simple terrorism
So we’re in agreement that this is essentially two terrorist states fighting each other? And the biggest losers in all of this will be the innocent Israeli and Palestinian citizens who just want to live their lives in peace. Meanwhile Hamas and the Israeli state get to go back and forth playing the their sick game of race-to-the-bottom-of-the-morality-barrel trying to blow each other to smithereens.