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Every time I see one of these weight loss miracles, I wait for the other shoe to drop… and it usually does.

As I have learned the hard way in my own life, the weight loss miracle is setting a calorie limit and strictly adhering to it (barring medical complications… which, let’s face it, most of the people who say those cause issues with them losing weight probably don’t have them).

The weight loss miracle I’m waiting on is the pill that rewires your brain to change your relationship with food because, man… that’s the hard part. Having to constantly fight my own brain - no, you aren’t hungry, you’re bored; yes, you actually are satisfied eating a happy meal for 550 cals, you actually do not need a 2 cheeseburger meal large size at 1200 cals, and so on - that’s the struggle for me. I’m down from 270 to 240 so far, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t still a constant fight, which is probably what makes relapsing after taking all these drugs such a common thing.


I don’t necessarily mind them, but they seem to be out of control in this one. I ran from the UC place in Atlantis to my ship, landed on Mars, ran into the town to a quest giver, and when I opened my map next, I had dots ALL OVER IT.

I popped open my quest log, and there were 11 random quests I didn’t even realize I had hoovered up just running from location to location. The thing that kind of bothers me about it is that that’s more than double the amount of quests I had intentionally picked up.

It’s okay if I explore and uncover some of these myself, Todd.


Not a huge surprise. They missed their chance to represent the South the first time around, so this would be a dream come true for them.


Although I could argue there are worse scenes in general, the one with the most impact for me, that almost cut my Trek fandom short… the handholding jellyfish at the end of TNG’s debut 2 parter.

I watched it when it first aired, and I cringed so hard that my family thought I had a stroke. Really, those episodes were full of stuff that made you feel like an ass telling your friend new to Trek that “it gets better,” but that really was the whipped cream and cherry on top.


One of those weird, rare situations where Google seems to do something right. They said the cost was $100, and every month I pay $100. I’m assuming fees are built into that, but my bill never deviates from the price I was told, which is really all I care about.


Next app: Pokemon Budget! Upload your invoices to track spending habits and catch rare Pokemon for saving money!

… dammit, I’d use this.
