Fubar, Carts of Darkness, The Delicate Art of Parking.
If that stupid kid hadn’t flinched we wouldn’t be in the universe where Kirk and Spock go back and find a Nazi America.
For anything that HAS to work and only runs on Windows (eat a dick Siemens) I put it in a VM with no network connection. A physical machine that gets regular updates is too unstable to rely on.
When ever I’m teaching a new guy I try to get them on board with using VMs at at minimum for reliability and a VM under Linux if they are interested.
That sucks. About 5 years ago I put ideology one peg above entertainment and just avoid games that use Windows only anti-cheat, I don’t get to play the biggest releases but there are literally thousands of other games that work perfectly and are just as fun.
If I were you I would keep my Windows gaming machine as a single function device. Play games, get all the MS updates and 3rd party spyware, don’t let it touch anything you want to keep private or safe.
Solar is fast to install and “cheap” but the lifespan of panels is no more than 20 years, and batteries last 1s of years if cycled every day. Not to mention Ontario only gets ~1200kWh/m2 per year of sunlight, in the southern US it’s >2000.
Nuclear is very expensive and takes a long time to build you are getting a plant that will last for decades without needing to have every part replaced and gives you more than 20kWh/m2 including the area taken up by support buildings and employee parking. (The Pickering plant is about 1km2 and puts out 23.6TWh)