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Arctis 7 was truly the best headset, I have three pairs at this point. None of them broken - all were purchased because the headset was so good I wanted one for the office and for my wife.

However, Steelseries seems deadset on making worse versions of the Arctis with every iteration. The 9 was altogether disappointing and they are really trying to force all the features like the chat mix into Sonar software instead. Really disappointing.


“Ruined” seems a bit dramatic, no? Game still plays exactly the same with these changes, just don’t buy the Battle pass and do the free tier


While data privacy is a concern, in my opinion the real fear motivating the government is the massive control China has, indirectly, through TikTok, over citizens’ beliefs and culture.

As another comment pointed out, Facebook (and Cambridge Analytica) had an enormous role in Donald Trump getting elected. That is the kind of influence and power that shouldn’t be in the hands of a foreign power (ironically, it’s the kind of power the US has wielded for generations over many countries). And the US especially doesn’t want China or Russia to have that power.

If China felt inclined, they very likely could push to have the algorithm modified to fit a particular agenda - say perhaps promoting a pro-China candidate - and most users would barely notice and slowly be drip fed posts that nudge them in a particular direction. People in power could start to lose that power at the behest of TikTok.

As many will likely point out, there’s a good arm’s distance between China and TikTok right now, as far as we know, but it’s possible they are more involved than they let on (much like the NSA and Facebook) and could become more involved over time. It’s a risk the government is unwilling to take.

A good example of what kinds of things can happen is when TikTok published a post to every US user with their congressperson’s number, urging them to call them to protest the ban. I’m certain that scared the shit out of the US government and probably did more to force the ban down mid than anything else.


In the first few messages try to establish a date, event, some meeting.

This has always been my biggest tip. There is zero point in making smalltalk on the app. You aren’t getting accurate versions of each other, you are getting short, premeditated responses. And, if your match is a woman, she is getting dozens of additipnal matches and conversations, you don’t want to become “boring” and forgotten. Just meet in person as soon as you can in 99% of cases.


I’ll go ahead and say this also includes all “Souls-like” games for me.

Combat seems clunky, buggy, and unnecessarily difficult. I don’t have a ton of time to play games, so when I do, I want it to be relaxing.


In an emergency scenario anything that water will not soak into and ideally that light can pass through will likely suffice well enough. Generally this would be a rain poncho or tent, not just big sheet of plastic.

You also don’t need plants and can do sea water or urine instead. Or, if you are in the desert, you will have to dig deep enough to draw from the moisture in the ground. But in both these cases it is important that the “plastic” funnel be transparent so sunlight can pass through.



Conversations as in a back and forth? Never. Not much of a point to it.

Asking questions about topics? On occasion. I find myself distrustful of hallucinations so I usually use it as a jumping off point.

Asking about bugs and documentation? Once a day at least


A Short History of Ireland by John Gibney

Paying a visit to Ireland and wanted to learn some of the history. It’s a good book but definitely wish it included pre-1500s history, since it is a more Britain-centric view of Ireland, really. Starts when Britain really gets to colonizing


If it’s broken then why no issue being tracked? Is there any issue tracking at all or is it genuinely all through Discord?

I would really recommend using GitHub’s features whenever possible, especially for important information like the status of the Android build. Very few people are keen to join a Discord group to find the status of your code or instructions


The whole thing looks suspicious to me - there are no images of the game, broken English everywhere, tons of contributors but only one open issue. The repo is just odd in a lot of ways and is sending out bad vibes.

Also, the Android instructions make no sense, since there’s no APK in the releases. Unless they somehow bundle that in the source code or Linux zip.
