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I don’t know why everybody pretends we need to come up with a bunch of new laws to protect artists and copyright against “AI”. The problem isn’t AI. The problem is data scraping.

An example: Apple’s iOS allows you to record your own voice in order to make it a full speech synthesis, that you can use within the system. It’s currently tooted as an accessibility feature (like, if you have a disability preventing you from speaking out loud all of the time, you can use your phone to speak on your behalf, with your own custom voice). In this case, you provide the data, and the AI processes it on-device over night. Simple. We could also think about an artist making a database of their own works in order to try and come up with new ideas with quick prompts, in their own style.

However, right now, a lot of companies are building huge databases by scraping data from everywhere without consent from the artists that, most of the time, don’t even know their work was scraped. And they even dare to advise that publicly, pretend they have a right to do that, sell those services. That’s stealing of intellectual property, always has been, always will be. You don’t need new laws to get it right. You might need better courts in order to enforce it, depending on which country you live in.

There’s legal use of AI, and unlawful use of AI. If you use what belongs to you and use the computer as a generative tool to make more things out of it: AI good. If you take from others what don’t belong to you in order to generate stuff based on it: AI bad. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


The severance package is great

It always baffles me to think that there is no minimum mandatory severance pay in the good old US of A, but considering 6 months of salary is “great” is saying even more about how low the bar is.


Je suis étonnée qu’on en débatte comme si c’était raisonnable qu’un maire pense avoir à ce point un droit de contrôle sur ce que font ses habitant·es. Ce n’est pas de ses prérogatives et c’est, comme souvent, un exemple de la façon dont les arrêtés municipaux sont pris sans aucune considération pour la loi (qui encadre ce que les arrêtés municipaux peuvent, ou ne peuvent pas, faire).

Peu de surprise que ça émane d’un maire LR. Prochaine étape, il vous dira quel compte suivre, quels réseaux utiliser, quels livres acheter ?


15M Trello accounts have been leaked

That title is very misleading. 15M Trello accounts were found to be compromised because of other, previous leaks, but no leak related to Trello occurred.


It’s not a problem. It’s a great feature. Because there’s more and more servers enforcing a lazy moderation system and spreading a lot of hate out there. And sure, you’re free to do so. But I’m also free to rely on servers that actually protect their users, and they have a right to exist as well.

It’s always baffling to me how people go to great lengths trying to describe the utter freedom of the Fediverse (and decentralized networks as a whole) as something flawed and bad, because they’re brainless and they just think of Lemmy as “the new Reddit” (or Mastodon as “the new Twitter”).


The worst enemy of Mozilla is: Mozilla. This hasn’t changed in many years.


Whatever complaint you got about the game, saying that anyone « deserves toxicity » is not the clever take you think it is.


Me in 2004: Yeah I’ll never play Half-Life 2 because I hate that it comes with a mandatory useless piece of software. « Steam », what the hell is that? Full of DRMs, ugly, bugged to the core, eating up my precious RAM.


5-7 trillion and they’ll still end up stealing data from all over the internet.


Imagine running scam on video views like, 5 years after Facebook’s infamously bs « pivot to video » bombed. What a visionary man.
