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1 posts • 44 comments
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I’ll give you my own personal reason. I’ve had to literally change instance because I had the misfortune to disagree with some of them. It was a political conversation and the level of hate and trolling was the most toxic I’ve seen on Lemmy. The amount of messages and replies that attacked me and/or mocked me was enough for me to made me painfully aware overnight of what hexbear is simply because all the attacks/trolling was obviously from the same instance.

There was (and in my opinion still is) no point in seeing their answers since a great amount of their replies were just pictures or gifs of things like the butthole of a pig, literal shit and things of that caliber. Additionally, every posts or discussion that talks about them, inevitably draws their attention and they start to spam the same kind of stuff, relishing in the idea that they are hated, simply replying with things like “cope, seethe, rent free etc”.

I’ve also personally blocked all the instances from hexbear I could and a lot of users from there because I don’t come to Lemmy to be called names, harassed or to try to have conversations with trolls.

Personally, I can’t see anything that could help in change the culture when the people at the top AND the people at the bottom don’t seem to have any interest in changing. I definetly give props to people like you for trying to change it and I’m sorry you get bunched up with less pleasant users, but I’m here to look at photos of pets, talking about plants and books and other silly things that don’t deserve that level of hate. I certainly want nothing to do with it.

That was my personal view and experience. Hope it helped with your questions
