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There’s these things called “stars” most planets with life on them have them very close by in the cosmic scale of things, and if you look up pictures of the ISS under one you’ll see it’s actually quite bright…


Maybe this also could help explain the Klingon changes in-universe

I was thinking this to they might refrence ENT’s augment arc, the crews full of smooth heads we see in TOS, the fan theory of counter-augmentations and cosmetic surgeries, anything to smooth things over and bridge them together.


For me, having them look like TNG Klingons doesn’t even solve the problem because ENT had implied that shouldn’t happen until the TOS movie era. They could have rendered explicit the implication that not every Klingon was infected by the virus, but that still doesn’t support making the Klingons look how they did in s1 DIS.

Folks forget the klingon’s made that Augment virus which then got loose in a lab breach. If they could do that to themselves on accident imagine what they’d do to themselves on purpose to try and compensate as the implications of the augment virus turn thier society upside down. There’s much I don’t like about Disco Klingons but the face redesign intrigued me as a potential reaction and over correction to the augment arc in ENT, and how past exchanges like that ultimately lead to federation vs klingon hostilities. Unfortunately Disco didn’t capitalize on this probably cause if they start explaining things they’d ultimately have to admit they can’t get away with haveing the longest heroship in canon…


I’m not really a fan of “it only looks overdesigned cause its supposed to be alien to you!” That they did with early Disco klingons and have done so far with SNW’s Gorn. That line of thinking works for one off antagonists like V’ger, but these aliens are effectively supposed to be recurring characters and and making them and thier ships big balls of (sometimes asymmetric) noise means they all just start looking uniformly chaotic on top of being hard to replicate and recognize outside watching the show.


I’m not keen on “in between the episodes” episodes, you’d either be viewing them out of order or alternating between two different casts.


Contrast that with releasing a TOS “season 4” which uses these same characters and sets, and like all Star Trek leans on similar tropes, but isn’t outright recreating anything.

Technically that’s already been done with TAS… Would a TAS remaster similar to TOS-R be out of the question? basically keep the voice acting (and other sfx since I expect it can’t be isolated) but reanimate it from the ground up?


Or a non-Constitution like the Reliant?

Oh! Oh! USS Pioneer NCC-1500! its the TOS era STO easter egg also tucked away in the PIC’s starfleet museum. I just really like the sort of side kick hero ship vibes the class has compared to other alternate-TOS era designs I’ve seen.


While I welcome the more flexible interpretation of TOS visuals to make a world that is more immersive and functional while still keeping the color, and perceived campiness, I’d draw a hard line against making a genuine “Re-TOS” as it were. The idea of overwriting, or demoting old performances strikes me as a path to perpetual reboots and origin story retellings like we see with comic book superhero’s, and seems a tad rude to trek’s own past and how it got here.

Its also pretty unnecessary, folks often talk about how they want to see the old stories updated for a modern audience, but its often the case that the same stories have been retold with different characters and places already throughout trek’s subsequent series, and as a result we are flush with ways to retell TOS’s hit scenarios without crossing that line. Naked Time(TOS) vs Naked Now(TNG) vs Singularity(ENT) would be a commonly cited example, and we even already saw SNW demonstrate one such way to go about this with “a quality of mercy” a time traveling what-if reimagining of “balance of terror” had pike been captain and not kirk.

I accept and expect paramount to still be making at least one show set in the 23rd century for as long as SNW and its successors do well, but these should be used to look forward and expand on the time period not backwards at where we’ve already gone before.


C’mon mate that’s quitter talk, making the mess make sense is half the fun of startrek continuity. Plus as time has gone on and the teams involved have gained hands on experience making trek the contributions have progressively gotten more constructive with the continuity rather than combative.


ENT era.

Externally speaking Starfleet ships march to the beats of NACA/NASA X-planes, Klingon embrace a very soviet yet alien look in contrast, Vulcans look advanced and sleek yet ancient and mythical with the biggest pointiest toys on the block.

Internally speaking construction is depicted as having limits, tech and interfaces are familiar to real world, cramped ship like rooms are the norm, and there’s no handwaving over how everything might fit inside the ships.
