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My ex used to do the Homer Simpson trick and gift me things he wanted for himself. Often it was something he knew I didn’t want.

For example, I didn’t want a laptop in the house. The kids were younger and it would be harder to monitor their internet usage if they were on a laptop versus the desktop I had purposely set up in a spot where we could easily glance at the screen when they were on it. (This was before tablets and smart phones were common.)

Also, I didn’t want a laptop because I’m a huge nerd who will lose hours to the computer if it’s in my lap comfortably on the couch rather than at a desk. I knew this about myself and was trying to limit my internet usage.

Also, we were broke and struggling to pay bills, and a laptop was an unnecessary luxury.

He talked about getting a laptop for months and months. I kept arguing against it. So of course, that was my Christmas gift from him that year.

Normally how it went was that he would gift me something and then after a few months, it would just magically become his (he gifted me a nice car stereo one time and after a few months just upped and put it in his car, for example). I knew that was his plan… I was so fed up that I used the shit out of that laptop out of pure spite… Didn’t share the password… Put it away every night I went to bed… Took it with me when I traveled without him…

Anyway. Nothing shittier than receiving a Homer Simpson bowling ball.


Synchronized napping! Excellent form!


I feel like you’re doing Gen X a huge disservice here. Like there’s a chunk of history you’re not familiar with.

Gen X was the first generation to go to college only to come out saddled with debt and only “mcjobs” to show for it. We graduated into NAFTA and globalisation.

There were some hardcore protests, movements, and mobilisations around the issues that matter… Economy, environment, women’s rights, employee rights, animal welfare rights, etc.

It has very obviously continued to deteriorate, but I’ll admit there was optimism because we did see some gains and some promise… I can’t remember the last time I felt any optimism about this world.

I feel horrible for the younger generations.


My god, so relatable!


Being laid back and jokey. If I feel like I can joke around with you and not take life too seriously with you, my stress (as an introvert) has really melted quite a bit.


Kinda been feeling lately (since even before the recent events, to be honest) like that sentence should read “no people left on Reddit, only us bots.”


The top logo… Why not add color into the ears, like half circles where they attach to the head? At present, all the color is happening in one area only and it feels unbalanced to me. (Me, just some random person with no training in anything resembling art, design, or advertising!)

The lower one looks angry due to the placement of the map on the face. It has a furrowed brow! Heh
