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I think a lot of the advice here is good, but if you feel you are being set off by every little thing, you may have something else that bothers you. I’ve got both ADHD and high levels of anxiety and definitely have times where I have extreme emotional sensitivity to things, especially where it feels like someone is challenging me or where I think they are making unreasonable demands.

It’s taken a lot of work on my part to recognize that when those feelings are heightened I need to explore what are the stressors in my life and maybe what ever I’m snapping about is unrelated to what is setting me on edge. Sometimes its because I need to have a difficult conversation with one and I’m redirecting my feelings to more manageable places. Other times its huge amounts of stress and I need to take time to destress. And sometimes I just need to take a break or vacation or just find some me time to get away from people.

Finding your coping mechanisms works, but the first step, as cliche as it is, is recognizing there is a problem. I used to snap at people a lot, especially for random BS. A combination of growing older (where your emotions stop hitting you as hard as they do in your teens and early twenties) and growing more awareness of myself and how I react to stimuli helps me deal with my emotions in more healthy ways.

The long story longer is that you can absolutely deal with an anger issue, you just have to put the work into yourself to find the sources of those anger, be they actually tooling issues and learning how to pick those battles, or some other aspect of your life that is pushing on you that needs attention.


This is the right outcome for this court case. There is no conceivable way to interpret the equal protection clause that supports a ban on gender affirming care, especially in light of analysis that targeting trans people is specifically gender discrimination. If the care is available for a person, but for their gender, it seems plainly obvious that the discrimination is based on gender and doesn’t, in my view, even meet a rational basis analysis, let alone the slightly heightened analysis for gender discrimination.


Hasn’t this been going on for many years? I’d be curious to know what the author actually feels about the work. Like do they go back and read their earlier chapters and cringe or are they merely impressed that they have gotten better. Have they gotten better? Or has the work degenerated as any long running fiction usually does after a time. Are there particular arcs to read that are excellent and others to skip.

Most importantly: is there fanfic of this work?


I’d assume this is a product of space users being older and thus earning more, but that is wild speculation.


System Shock remake. I’ve adored playing through it and, while it is certainly retro in design elements, it was engaging the whole way through.


This is going to be a learning process I think for a lot of people. Not just on federation, but on community building as well. You all seem to be trying to build something here, and I am willing to be patient and participate while it grows. If we get down the road and it just isn’t working, I have faith that there will be open discussion on how to make this community grow while maintaining its ethos and we’ll be here to figure out what is best for each of us individually.

Good on you for taking decisive action at these early stages while we figure out what we want, where we want to go, and how we want to get there on this relatively new platform.


And if you like the Phoenix Wright games but don’t want to pay Phoenix Wright money, Avian Attorney is quite fun. And I’m now realizing I’m recommending a lot of animal based detective games.


My favorite patent law case is about two orange juice soda vending companies who both had fake juice displays fighting about whether the one fake juice display violated the patent of the other fake juice display company. The case name is quite literally the base case name in history: Juicy Whip vs Orange Bang. https://www.quimbee.com/cases/juicy-whip-inc-v-orange-bang-inc


A lot of detective games are mostly point and click adventure games, which generally are older games or more indie style. That said there are a few I can think of:

The Gabriel Knight games have a lot of good detective elements, including some good puzzle solving. https://www.gog.com/en/game/gabriel_knight_sins_of_the_fathers

Chicken Police has a really neat interrogation mechanic and a fantastic noir setting. Its a bit silly all things considered, but the detective elements are fun. I’ve not beaten the game, but the time I’ve put into its fun. https://www.gog.com/en/game/chicken_police

In a similar vein, Backbone is a noir detective game set in an animal setting. The detective mechanics feel weaker, and the game seems to force you on to the critical path pretty hard, but its still been fun so far. https://www.gog.com/en/game/backbone

Finally, this is a horror game, but unraveling the mystery is fun and the game doesn’t railroad you on the critical path too hard. Simulacra is a game about a guy who receives a mysterious cell phone and he is using all the tools available on the phone to uncover the identity of the owner. Short and engrossing. https://www.gog.com/en/game/simulacra

Another one that I think is fun (though don’t get the sequel) is Don’t Feed the Monkies. This is more like Simulacra and is less detective game and more about experiencing the stories presented and unraveling a light mystery. Still fun and fits in the detective theme: https://www.gog.com/en/game/do_not_feed_the_monkeys

The Sexy Brutale is a really interesting game with more fantastical elements but there are some tricky puzzles to figure out with the clues the game gives you: https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_sexy_brutale

Last one, and one I’ve not played any of. Case of the Golden Idol apparently has multiple critical paths. Supposed to be really good. https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_case_of_the_golden_idol

Most of these are on sale now.


Based solely off the implications of this post, it seems Perl is installed default on most Linux distros and MacOS, but not Windows. https://www.perl.com/article/downloading-and-installing-perl-in-2021/
