Idk why you’re down voted, I think you’re right. Also aren’t tankies part of the left, leftist infighting aside?
Edit: To clarify, giving them a word that makes leftist infighting seem silly seems, pointless. The only people on the left I know of that use the word tankie literally don’t even try to understand the other side. It’s not taking a word away from them that’s going to stop it. It’s by approaching every conversation with humility, and explaining them the theory they so clearly lack. If even so they think you’re wrong (and bring arguments, ofc), and you can’t defend using theory, then maybe they’re right? I don’t understand, isn’t this the point of the whole reading part everyone agrees we should do?
Post Marxist quotes over an image of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush. But like, make it agreeable. In my experience right wing people will agree with leftists on most issues if you never actually say it’s a leftist position.
Another idea, make them believe corporations are Marxist and so should be abolished. :)
The same way being a mechanical engineer relates to political leaning, I’d assume.
I don’t think it does. It also doesn’t mean they are not intelligent. It just means they spent a long time studying their trade, which is commendable.
But if you want to understand politics, you need to do like the rest of us and study politics. You can’t look at a bucket and then say you understand the river.
I’m a programmer as well, but being good at your job does not mean your political ideas are better as a consequence. It just means you have the capacity for it, not that it’s being used.
Also, programmers are paid better, so I’d imagine they would believe we live in a meritocracy and tend to ignore those below them (they don’t know they exist).
I’m sure it’s not just programmers who have this issue.
I think the term “manly” has been so polluted. I don’t think there is nothing “unmanly” with:
- Loving nature.
- Loving your neighbor (even Jesus said to).
- Loving culture (and accepting other’s culture).
- Showing emotion (except for you narcissists who use this as an excuse for abuse. Fuck you).
- Dancing.
- Going outside just to feel the wind gently blowing your hair and caressing your face.
We are capable of very complex modes of existing. There is no reason to keep being the same hateful person every day. It takes courage to go out of your confort zone. It takes courage to be a “man”. Whatever it is that word means. Love you all. <3
Edit: Guys, are comments like this valuable? On Reddit I felt the need to write this way, but everyone seems so chill here…
I am speculating here, but I’d imagine people here are so used to right-leaning comments making insincere questions, poisoned questions, or “just asking” type questions, that they thought the same was happening here. I thought the same at first, and really, can you blame? But, in this case, it could just easily be an honest question by someone trying to learn, and maybe there is something to be said about the response it got. We need to welcome people trying to learn, and who ask genuine questions. That’s the only way to grow (both the community and the ideology).
Edit: Honestly, what the other commenter said.