
Red Phoenix

10 posts • 18 comments
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I think the key is to fall for each other together, so that the love is shared rather than something that is only held by one person. When love, attraction, or affection is unrequited then it is something that only exists in the head of one person, and it is a different kind of love than love that is shared and reciprocated. It’s ok to love someone or something that doesn’t love you back, as long as that’s understood and expectations are kept in check. Imo real love between people is a relationship that’s built, it’s not an emotion that comes and goes.

Imo there’s no healthy alternative no neediness or clinginess, like there’s no healthy alternative to an illness or disease, the healthy alternative is just not to have it. I think to love someone in a healthy way we need to love ourselves first and see romantic partners as wonderful additions to our lives, but not strictly necessary for happy and fulfilling lives. In that way we can have a solid foundation to give and recieve love that doesn’t demand it from another person because we give the love we need to ourselves. That way we can let our lovers love us freely as they choose, and we can be happy with whatever love we get because it’s just a wonderful addition to our lives.

I consider myself a “hopeless romantic” as well, but no matter how strongly I feel about another person I only express my feelings on a similar level to my partner. It’s like a dance, or cooperative play, one person can’t do all the work, love is a cooperative activity done together, like running a race with one leg tied to the other person’s leg. If you try to do too much more than the other person then there’s no balance and problems arise.


Sorry to hear about your frustrations comrade. I used to run into similar situations a lot. From what you’ve said, it looks like you lost her when your texting stopped being reciprocal and you started spamming her when she wasn’t responding. It seems to me that you didn’t give her enough space, overwhelming her and causing her to pull away from you. She may have taken that as an indication of potential clingyness and it likely scared her off.

I suggest next time waiting for her to respond to you when she’s ready. I know it can be agonizing, but it’s shows that you respect her boundaries and aren’t needy/clingy. If she doesn’t respond for over a week, then maybe send a follow up text.


I would have a hard time deciding between Cuba and China. Cuba just seems like it would be an awesome place to live in terms of lifestyle, but I would feel safer from imperialism in China and would enjoy exploring the amazing geography of the country.


And so the meat grinds on. At least the evil bastards will be dead.


When they realize looks and money won’t get them love and they actually have to be a decent person 😳😱🤯


I’ve really been hitting my strides recently, perfecting my routine and getting a lot done. I have a schedule I’ve been trying to follow but I can’t ever seem to get everything done. But I had this sort of apiphany - If I do a little bit of everything on a rotational basis then I can make progress in all areas and not feel like I missed out on something. I feel really productive and don’t get burnt out or stuck doing one thing. It’s very liberating and I don’t feel like I’ve come up short at the end of the day with what I wanted to do. Also I’m finally joining a ML org so I’m very excited about that :)


I don’t see it happening anytime soon. As close as Canadians are to Americans geographically, economically, and culturally, Canadians love to view themselves as culturally superior to Americans - being more refined, more polite, more inclusive, more progressive, etc. Many Canadians also still simp very hard for Britian and the monarchy, so I doubt they’ll want to sever those ties as well.
