

1 posts • 61 comments
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Its called genralization. Whenever a media reaches a larger audience, that media stops filling its niche and starts trying to appeal to the larger audience. Its a bit more complicated when it comes to a social media, but look at some of the larger subreddits. When they were small and starting off, they were fun and exciting. But after growing a larger audience, they became more genralized. A bit boring.

Users are the same way. After a platform gains enough users, those users start to act in a way that is similar to picking the low hanging fruit. Whatever is the easiest way to garner attention, they do it.

If lemmy grows to reddits size, it’ll probably be the same. However, hopefully different instances and nonsummarized karma will mitigate that.


This is a VERY good way to put it. I imagine its hard to start where they left off with so much time in between. Writing styles and comedy have changed within the last 10 years. We’re in the age of attention on top of that.

Im not saying that it wont be Futurama. It will be. It just wont taking off running with the steam they left off at.

And i think thats exactly what the first episode encapsulated. It wasnt bad. But it didnt really have any juice to it. To me it felt like it was because they were more focused on shoving the ‘idea’ of futurama down your throat more than anything else.

With that said, I really do hope the next couple of episodes are better.
