They could potentially bring a related criminal suit later. I’m not an attorney, and there are a lot of specific rules about, but the stakes are lower in a civil case (i.e. no prison) and the burden of proof is easier, so you can more easily prove things or get the defense to admit things in a civil case that can sometimes make a criminal case easier.
Even if you can’t cite the civil case from the criminal case, just the fact that the civil case ruled one way gives the prosecution confidence to commit to a criminal case and leverage if they negotiate a settlement.
These are all so old that I think it supports the point. A lot of today’s useful materials, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals were invented by corporations around that time, but in recent history, corporate labs have been gutted and cherry pick out of universities.
E.g. in recent history, AlexNet came out of utoronto, Google bought Alex’s startup shortly after, and then Google started developing deep learning models.
They didn’t actually win. It had the some procedural non-decision that the Colorado bakery case had (i.e. the regulator failed to be sufficiently neutral). They got fined again and that is being appealed.
If the next president reverses the order, then all these people are in the same position and might owe additional interest. Banks know this, so they will hold it against anyone seeking credit. Congress doesn’t even have to vote.
With the income based repayment, they aren’t considered delinquent on their loans, interest doesn’t build, and there is a path towards having the debt forgiven eventually.
You can look up historical interest rates for federal loans. They have never been that high.
Details of the 10b aren’t public, but we know it’s a multi year deal, so it’s possible that OpenAI doesn’t actually have the full amount in cash now, and they could go bankrupt before they unlock the full amount. In the event of a bankruptcy, Microsoft could be in a position to acquire their assets for themselves on the cheap.
I would upgrade openssl until the fire crashes.
Mostly NixOS unstable. I have one machine still on Arch, but i plan to switch that to NixOS too.
You may underestimate the interest of some people in feet pics.