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They’re tasked with infinitely growing their stock price. That is a suicide job. Working big tech in the USA sucks right now because there’s no concept of just maintaining and maintaining something well, unless you’re Valve and steam


Between this and the pip install break all system packages

This has to be about the dumbest change I could possibly gather in the last 20 years of computing. I can’t even imagine breaking this many things all at once. I’m still dealing with the side effects of people’s installers from docker-compose and the pip problems - ansible will just never be the same again. Now this.


And I think these parts are fair to say but they lose me within the first few minutes by jumping to disassociated bold points like the cloud to windows being proprietary.

We need well reasoned arguments that are cohesive and the moment you lose that, you basically damage your own cause.

Again though it’s a discussion. I’m just saying that it’s disappointing and quickly frustrating that this is how things get framed: with facts and arguments that are leading. Don’t show your hand. Let people arrive at these things as a logical conclusion based on a pile of evidence.


Hey thanks for posting this. I’ve bookmarked it to watch within the hour.

I’m interested to see if these are really businesses under threat from Microsoft or if it’s businesses looking to eliminate competition from USA and push their own products. I’m not a fan of MULAFAANG pushing a monopoly but I’m also realistic that politicians will always be motivated to do what politicians do best.

EDIT: Not even that far into the video yet…So I live in the USA and I’ve visited a Microsoft campus when I was in Washington. And the premise of what is being presented is laughable. I said as a system administrator back in 2015 that going into the Microsoft cloud azure was bullshit and not a good idea, and turns out today that is still the answer. If these departments wanted to use Linux that is an internal decision not one reflective of Microsoft. LLDAP (easy managed LDAP service) exists in FOSS. So does Mailcow. Everyone loves to masterbate to how “bad these companies are”, dude you CHOSE them. There are parts of Microsoft’s footprint that are good like their ability to staff teams to work on security, keeping NPM, github, and pypi safe. But they also have a lot of malware-like components in their services/OS that collect data in the same way a virus would.

I just don’t like this premise of purchasing someone’s product and then vilifying that product as if they had no other choice. I understand that its not entirely with that intent, its more to start a conversation about it, but damn does it ring that way when I saw self hosting in 2015 & IT departments as the answer.

EDIT2: Why are talking about the cloud, then pivoting to saying that Microsoft won’t release the source code for Windows? Lol. These are two separate topics, and the author of the video didn’t attempt to pose it as one. I am disappointed by the author to present the information that is reasonable and understanding of both their own culture and display a lack of effort in their own administration to use existing FOSS products. No one has a gun to your head. I’ve migrated between 5 different clouds and solutions over the last few years for my own company’s infra.


Buddy I can guarantee you that they’re just doing their job collecting a check to make ends meet and live a life just like you or I. I’m sure those motivated to get into the FBI probably had something happen to them or inspire them and they think it’s a noble cause.

Not everyone is part of a wretched hive of scum and villainy.


I worked directly for one of the two biggest log and search systems for big data for years and I can tell you that there is always a way to correlate data lol. And the data you don’t have you can always buy to help put the missing pieces together.


If your data is being collected then are you really private or anonymous? I can think of a lot you can infer simply from metrics in a client, time window of connection and a few metrics. That’s just removed.


That’s not true. We used to collect client and server data both to detect issues and even if it was only in a subset of customers there is just some customer facing QoS issues you wouldn’t find unless you were collecting data, that wouldn’t be found on server side for example. Like let’s say iPhones make an update and you’re doing video streaming, maybe certain video formats would lag when streaming to the player but not on an android or vice versa.


So you’re telling me that a vaccine for a sickness with basically 1 year R&D to production turnaround time doesn’t cause you to think twice, when a regular prescription can have side effects and need to be changed?

Think of any experience you’ve had with anti depressants or reoccurring drug as a prescription: it’s frequent that people have these changed out because of the adverse side effects or lack of effectiveness. The joke used to be that a commercial for medication would quickly read out side effects on TV for 20 seconds straight.

What I’m saying is the complete lack of any critical thinking before taking the vaccine is disturbing.


That is a ridiculous amount of work and jabs. Do you find that there is near to no sickness then? In the USA I find that COVID is seasonal for everyone here no matter how many vaccines you’re getting. In other words, I’m curious do you find it makes a difference keeping up with it?

As for politics - in the USA the structure of what decisions below the president get made can sometimes change during a term because Democrats and Republicans basically play musical chairs when the opposite party is president. So it might be a democratic figurehead for a president at the top but speaker of the house is Republican and maybe the justices are Republican in decision making. Trump appointed new justices during his time that made a lasting impact with abortions during Biden’s presidency for example. More relevant to this conversation and topic they both had different stances on vaccines relative to their core voters. Trump appeared skeptical at times of Dr. Fauci who was chief medical advisor to the USA.
