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It’s one of those pads you put on top to keep dirt from getting in between the keys


Apple and Google’s 30% not only hits the base price, but every single transaction that happens inside apps as well. Imagine a toll bridge in front of your nearest supermarket where the people working the toll booth inspect every bag of grocery you bought and then charged you toll based on what you bought there.

Apps arent entirely like video games. If you wanted to open a non-subscription based music store or book store or whatever, you’d find it economically impossible to pay the publishers their cut, apple their cut, your server host their cut, and have anything left over for yourself without charging your customers their arms and legs. This is why all those kinds of apps are subscription based. You can cleverly batch and bundle stuff in a monthly subscription fee which gives you room to dance around google and apples high fees and have enough money to keep your lights on.

2 points

thank you!

4 points

cool! who’s the artist i wanna see more of their stuff!


A lot of the time its impatient management who want the fastest solution right now, demanding their jenga tower built from hollowing out the middle and never allowing time to fill in the gaps with any new blocks.

But i’ve also seen just plain inexperience from devs who have never seen a project become technically bankrupt. Some people just carry the expectations for a short lived app into a constantly iterated long lived app, not realizing that is the way to crunch and missed deadlines.

Compounding the inexperience issue is the use of bad architecture. Architecture is a bigger picture thing, not something to bang together a bunch of use cases and a bunch of factories. The purpose of architecture is to keep development easy and smooth for now and the future. If it doesnt feel nice to work in, it’s not doing its job. If devs keep trying to cheat it, its time to add convienience tools to encourage them to do it right.

Clean Architecture for example is very nice, it really shines in projects intended to be iterated continuously on for over 5 years and many more. It mitigates the pain of replacing and upgrading old obsolete stuff. Using it for one marketing campaign app that’s going to live for only 3 months is overkill though. For very short projects, you can see how its the wrong tool for the job.

Selecting the right architecture involves understanding the patterns used and knowing what problems those patterns were meant to solve. Thats the way to know if those problems are relevant to your project.


Ah, so that’s what the pro gamers are doing.


While black appears to have advantage when they fire the gun, white has enough mana to respond with [Path to Exile] at instant speed, exiling the King from the battlefield. On the stack, the exile effect resolves before the bullet does, and black loses the game.

Unfortinately for black, the Draw 4 only helps whites game, allowing them to find their removal faster.


Its still accurate if you delete the second panel.


The illusion of power is not the same as actually having it. I wish more men understood this. There is no republican policy that actually empowers working class men to do better in their lives. The sports of dunking on liberals is a distraction from the fact that republicans have no plan to help their constituents.

Also, like whiny crybabies like the former president are not masculine and definitely not role models for such. If he was, then republican men would find dates a lot easier. This faked version of masculinity is not fooling women, who see the whiny, fragile intolerance for what it is: a cowardly fear of everyone different than themselves. Incels under republican rule will still never get dates, and they never have in whatever rose glasses version of the past theyre idealizing. Hateful cowards simply aren’t attractive. The “return” to power isn’t there. Its a lie.

edit: my bad i thought i was in c/politics


Beds really changed the whole game.

Building a base didn’t just mean a place to put your chests, it also had to be a place worth spending the whole night in. I cared a lot about making the interior a nice place to be. And the exterior of the base had to be a good fort too because you couldnt skip all the monster spawns at night.

Back then I took minecraft to be like a fort building game. Explore by day and craft by night. The first night I spent huddled in a small dark grave i dug for myself in a wall. It taught me that a good base was important.

I think beds were added in the halloween update if i remember right. I was blown away how they skipped monster spawning. That’s when I felt the game changed direction the hardest, because you no longer needed a base to survive.
