I had requested that this account be deleted last week. Until’s admin gets off their ass and deletes my account, I will continue to shitpost. If this offends, block me and get on with your life.
Sounds like Embracer Group skipped extension and went straight to extinguishing.
I don’t think the Count of Monte Cristo need fear the gom jabbar.
This is probably a question as old as humanity, and I don’t think we’ve found a better answer than the one provided in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
“What you seek you shall never find.
For when the Gods made man,
They kept immortality to themselves.
Fill your belly.
Day and night make merry.
Let Days be full of joy.
Love the child who holds your hand.
Let your wife delight in your embrace.
For these alone are the concerns of man.”
No one lives forever, not even in the memories of those they leave behind. It is a rare few whose names echo throughout history. You can, if you want, strive to make yours one of those names, but at what cost? It might be better to live your life, take what pleasures you can, love someone who returns your love, and try not to hurt anybody along the way.
At least take the poor kitties to the vet to get their mites treated. Not to mention getting them dewormed and vaccinated, and spayed/neutered once they’re old enough.
This asshole’s problem isn’t that people don’t know who she is.
Her problem is that too many people do, and aren’t as impressed with her as she is with herself.
I wish Larry Flynt were still around. I bet he’d do a parody porno targeting this asshole and MTG that would make Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?0 seem as tame as Howard Stern’s old broadcast TV show.