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I tried switching to Androind a few years ago, but never could shake the feeling that Google was looking over my shoulder, I realize that Apple probably does this as well, but I don’t get the same feeling on iOS.


Yeah, unfortunately I seems like it will not get a Wayland version though…


Heh, I disn’t consider French Guiyana, well spotted!


How do you count that?

I don’t see any land border connection between south America and Asia…

But I am peobably missing something.


You are technically correct, but you miss the great part of frequent departures in a public transport system.

During peak hours I have a buss departing my local stop every 10 min, it takes me 7 min to walk to the busstop, when I arrive to the metro my train usually departs within less than 5 minutes, it takes 2 min to walk down to the platform from the bus, if I miss the train, the next train will depart 5 min later. When I need to switch lines I just walk over the platform and my train will usualy arrive with in 2 min, though it is not unusual for the train to be at the platform and I have time to cross the platform.

When I then get to my destination I exit the metro and walk 100m to get to my office, my desk is actually just above the entrance/exit of the metro.

Obviously this is under optimal conditions, but it isn’t that uncommon either.

When you have public transport departures that frequent, you don’t really have to took at the timetable, you just walk down to the bus stop and with in minutes you are on the bus.

There are also dedicated buslanes along 97% of the way I take the busses, so traffic jams are seldom an issue.

And should there be an issue with my normal bus, I can walk 15 min to a different bus stop with other busses, or I can walk 20 min and get to the train/bus station and get on a train or yet another bus.

This is fine since large disruptions are quite infrequent.


It is interesting to see that Sweden is only three land borders away from North Korea.

Sweden - Finland

Finland - Russia

Russia - DPRK


The only artist I can think of where I did this is Dr. Bombay.

A Swede/Dane pretending to be Indian doing a lot of crazy stuff.

What is probably his most well known song is Taxi, taxi, taxi! Where he sings about being a blind taxi driver in Calcutta, the music video was recorded in Malaysia:


Then there is this song about him taking over a relative’s restaurant, notice the frogs os in the soundtrack…


Then he made this sexist song about how he want a wife who cleans, cooks and washes laundry for him, it is made with humor, so how serious it is I can’t say:


There are more songs by this character, but the guy behind him then invented the same character to Dr. Mcadoo a crazy scotsman…

This time the songs where more focused on partying:


So a bit more generic…


Then he reinvented himself again into a carzy Mexican called Carlito.

I have not found any live action music videos by that character.

Here is his most well known song as far as I can tell:


I was wrong, there is one live action music video by Carlito:


Then he went away, only to resurrect Dr. Bombay a few years ago…


Dr. Bombay would never have got off the ground these days, the idea that a Swede/Dane could pretend to be Indian would just not be acceptable.

He still performes live and does ok from what I can tell, I am happy for him, but starting this kind of act these days would not work.


I am curious, what is the advantage to you foe doing this?

To me it just seems like a hassle, I have a Lemmy account, a Mastodon account and a Pixelfed account.

They all seem to have their own uses, and I guess I just don’t see the point of navigating Lemmy through a Mastodon interface…

But I am probably missing something here…


I would like one, but I have no space to store it, I live in a two room apartment and the bike storage is only really designed for a normal bike.

I used my normal bike with a bike basket on the parcel holder for shopping, it was brilliant!

No need for a bag, just pack the basket when you have paid, and hook it on the parcel holder.

Sadly I lost my bike during a year when I missed that the bike room was being cleared out and didn’t tag it, so it was thrown out as anandoned, this happened as I had messed up my knee, had double flat feet and double heel spurs.

I now drive my car to the shops bur it’s only one kilometer so it feels a bit dumb, meh I drive on electricity so it could be worse.

Once my situation with my general life stabalize a bit more I’ll looks for a bike.
