

1 posts • 25 comments
  • she/her
  • black + first nations
  • living in Ottawa, ON
  • new from Reddit :)
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You’re right that it’s a complete misprioritization. It’d be one thing if this was in addition to what’s arriving to the store in the first place, but it always seems like this stuff is being used to completely distract from the real causes of that waste.


I’d love for glass jars to be way more of a thing. Or even cardboard, as much as possible.

The devil’s advocate against glass is that it might be too heavy (which, well, that’s why we have carts, and most cities are so unwalkable that most people aren’t carrying them home in their hands). A really pushy plastic lobbyist could probably try some “Think of the children” take against broken jars, but some brands might be into the premium look of glass for their products.

But cardboard seems like the best thing. We don’t actually recycle enough of our paper, and having a stand of flat boxes that you can quickly put together with the same capacity as those fruit/vegetable bags could be another step forward. They can even replace the foam/plastic wrap packaging by just popping the top flap open to see the green beans inside or whatever. And aren’t we trying to boost our paper manufacturing industry in Canada? There ya go - it’s cardboard time


What’s a tankie?


I skimmed some of the posts and saw ADHD mentioned a few times - damn, we’re crocheting ourselves a new stereotype. 😝

I have a friend who crochets a lot, and while we were at her house, she’d be working on a project of some kind. Eventually I got curious, so she handed me an old ball of yarn and showed me the double-stitch. That’s still the only one I know. I’ve made several blankets using just that one over and over and over.

I’ve learned how to change colours okay, so I can make patterns by strategically swapping to different yarn, but if I really want a certain pattern, I just crochet over the surface with another round of that double-stitch. It’s like a 3D thing. :D

And yes, it does keep my hands busy!


Hi everybody! Nice to meet you all. :D I’m over in Ottawa, and I’m completely new to Lemmy (immigrating from Reddit), so I hope I can learn the culture of this place okay!

First thing’s first: I’m going to figure out how to navigate this place, and then I’m going to start talking to folks. Wish me luck (or wish me a For Redditors help guide). :P

Edit: This is probably going to make the OG Lemmings (Lemmites?) cry, but I think this place makes easier sense if I go at it like:

  • Instance = subreddit
  • Community = post flair

Because each instance is its own website with its own admin, and each community is a group within that instance. I can join a community to chat about whatever the community’s about, but if I want to go to the communities in a different instance, it’s like going to a different subreddit; I can’t just find it by trying to ‘filter’ the communities by their ‘flair’ since that community isn’t ‘here’. It’s at a completely different subreddit/instance/website. :)
