I look at this fom a far and i wonder: Why do the democrats not just get a younger more capable person to vote for?
I would agree if it was some random dude but the fact that actually a great Nation came out of him and then even all nations where blessed in him and now worship the God of Abraham is strong evidence that he was right all along.
Just don’t buy that expensive crap. If people where better at math they would buy PCs instead and we wouldn’t have any exclusives.
Soon: The environmental friendly e-Tank
Our brain first assumes that the light comes from above that’s why it assumes here that the light comes from top left. Then the plates look like upside down. As soon as it finds indications that the bowls are upright and the light comes from bottom right all the bowls look upright. The most left and most right bowls look kind of warped or not flat on the table assumed that they are upside down. The shadow in the middle also gives away that the bowls are not upside down.
Is she the new overly attached girlfriend?
Aragorn voice: “But today is not that day!!”