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Starting Offensive Security EXP-301 Windows User Mode Exploit Development next week. Binary exploitation isn’t needed much in my work, but need it for OSCE3. After this I hope to be able to stick to normal training courses built for working professionals - instead of second job for many months plus grueling 72 hour exam + reporting courses. “Just one more and then I’ll quit”. Lol.


I asked this question on Mastodon and got some helpful answers. I haven’t had the time to try anything yet, but here are some links. KDE: https://github.com/pjones/plasma-manager Gnome: https://hoverbear.org/blog/declarative-gnome-configuration-in-nixos/ Xfce may be similar to the Gnome article but using xfconf and xfconf-query to get the settings to apply. Again I haven’t tried any of these suggestions. This is a summary of the info I got elsewhere.


Yes, after switching to the NixOS KDE desktop it is very nice looking desktop environment out of the box. Nice than the NixOS Xfce setup. I was also pointed to plasma manager to try moving some settings into my .nix files.


Thank you. These examples show more settings than I’ve found anywhere.


Something I don’t think is talked about enough in offensive cybersecurity training / skill development are communication skills. Too often we are seeing folks try to enter these roles without the ability to write reports and give presentations to audiences with a mix of technical and business attendees. My recommendation to folks considering these roles is to put in the time to get communication skills to a very professional level. Train it just like report writing or public speaking was a new shiny hacking certification. It will improve your chances of landing the job.


There is no one way to secure Linux servers because Linux isn’t one thing due to distribution sprawl. How you do things depends on the distribution. If you want a general guide the CIS Benchmarks are a decent place to start. Then you can make a guide on how to implement them with your target Linux server distribution. Keep in mind this is for the OS and application hardening is just as important, and is an entirely different can of worms. https://downloads.cisecurity.org/#/


What Vivaldi features do you feel are game changing? I’m not that familiar with it and would love to hear from someone who uses Vivaldi.


I’ve run Linux for years on servers and in VMs in VMware Workstation, but not my main OS because of games. I’ve tried before but games just didn’t work well. Tried again recently and the games I’m playing now worked with no issues with Lutris and Steam. I could already do “everything else” on Linux so this is the longest I’ve gone without booting back to my Windows disk. Already have a Kali VM in virt-manager and will add a Windows VM if I hit an application snag. But so far haven’t had any app issues. If this continues I’ll be wiping the Windows disk to make more space for Linux.


I recently achieved a multi-year goal of obtaining the OffSec Certified Expert3 certification after achieving the OSCP, OSEP, OSWE, and OSED penetration testing certifications. It was a serious grind but I learned a lot, the skills are applicable to my work, and hopefully all this alphabet soup helps if I end up looking for a new position in the future. Right now I’m glad the grind is over and I can start building depth of knowledge in some of these areas.


IMO penetration testing is a skill that is built upon knowledge of the fundamentals in a pretty long list of topics. System admin using the command line only for Linux and Windows, network administration like switches, routers and firewalls, web applications, databases, and programming. Again, the fundamentals. No need to be an expert. Knowing command line is key because usually you won’t have GUI access to targets.

So what I tell folks is to look at where they have gaps and do some introduction courses on those topics.

For example if databases are a weak area learn the basics on some SQL and no-SQL databases. That will help lay a foundation for later learning database attacks like SQL Injection.

Same applies to many penetration testing concepts. One needs to understand the underlying fundamentals that support the attack to really get it.

Then it’s a matter of building skill in identifying weaknesses and matching those up with a technique that can exploit the weakness. That is a continuous learning process because tech never sits still. It’s perfect for the perpetual student type.
