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There was a beautiful time back when I was young where we tried to change to metric and schools taught us nothing but. Now I’m ~50 years old and don’t even know how many pints are in a gallon. Or feet in a mile. Always forget whether it’s 12 or 16 that’s inches in a foot / ounce to pound. Always have to look that shit up. Because they didn’t teach us that garbage. Ever.

Guess what I NEVER have to look up? The measurements that tell you in their fucking prefixes how many X are in Y. What a concept.


TV and streaming sucks. Movies suck. I’ve seen so many of them in the past that there’s really nothing new out there that’s any good any more because it’s all just rehashing and reimagining the past. Same with gaming. Same with books. And music. We’re so buried under a ton of entertainment that we can just stop making new entertainment and watch everything done in the past and still have enough to last us our entire lifetime. So what’s the point? If we’re going to have streaming, give us everything old – EVERYTHING – for a very low cost or free with limited ads and stop making new shit for your platform, all on one service.
