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A space biologist by training and a (Arch)Linux user by passion #ArchLinux #Linux #KISS #FOSS #terminal, #python

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I second that. Always have a bootable disk ready (or even better a bootable image on your machine) so you can recover from any issues in a snap. Over the course of 20 years using Linux I can only remember two blackscreens. Unlike other OS, these situations don’t happen randomly but mostly when the user mess up with the system (like in your case) and that’s great opportunities to learn a lot about your system because that’s when you really need to understand how it works.


They’re unfortunately harder to find in the wild than pokemons 😂 Have you experienced long delivery time as mentioned above?


Thanks very much. That’s exactly what I needed. I’m still not used to the diversity of NixOS documentation and was not aware of this one.


That’s what I keep reading and why I would like to give it a try. For now I’m still confused how this is easier/more efficient than sharing your list of packages, restoring a backup, or using downgrade in Arch. I’m really interested because I like to try new stuff, especially if they bring something of interest.

I really have hard time to see the difference for now after my first setup in a VM but also because imaging my full Arch system on a new machine 2 years ago only took me an hour and less than 10 command lines.

Again, I’m genuinely trying to understand what I’m missing. From my reading NixOS seems to be the only distro I could switch to.

10 points

As always there’s no such thing as a global “best” application. Building your system is a very personal thing. It all depends on your needs and liking.

My personal journey in the tiling WM world has started 20 years ago with awesomewm. Then I moved to i3 because it feels lighter to me while offering a configuration approach I preferred. After some times, I felt ready to “really” build my tiling WM and I moved to dwm.

I couldn’t be happier until I came across bspwm which is as suckless as dwm but EWMH compliant. I also love the nice approach of keybindings offered by sxhkd. What I appreciate the most is the no limit configuration power since you can integrate the very powerful program that writes messages on bspwm 's socket (bspc) in any scripts you can imagine. This let you create some crazy and very personal rules. For example, I designed one where bspwm is listening to my video player state and if not fullscreen it automatically resizes it to a given size and moves it to a specific position. I have another one that will apply borders only to 2 specific windows applications and use a different color for each one.

This is a very brief overview of what I’ve experimented. Your expectations and the time you want to deserve to your configuration may guide you on another path. Archwiki has a comparison of tiling WM may be a good starting point to help you in your decision.


Very nice to read this feedback. I’m very sold to Framework after all the great things posted here. An impeccable customer support like the one you describe means a lot about a company.


There’s a hype around floorp right now. Certainly because it’s new and it offers a high level of aesthetic customization.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me because:

  1. it takes up too much RAM compared to others. Even though people don’t really care about that on modern machine it goes against my philosophy.

  2. I’ve been tweaking Firefox for a long time to get the highest privacy possible but it was extremely painful and I don’t want to redo that with floorp.

  3. my system look is extremely minimalist and I remove any visual effects in apps I use which would go against the point of floorp.

These are some reasons why I went with librewolf since it was released in 2020. It’s efficient, well maintained, kept up to date with the latest Firefox version, and most importantly to me: deeply respectful of your privacy. Their privacy approach is very well explained in the FAQ It passed all the EFF tests better than any browser I’ve tested after hours of tweaks.

This is only my personal experience and preference. Per the Floorp developer himself privacy is not given the utmost care and users should prefer librewolf in that regard. If you want to use normal privacy and excellent Firefox derivatives, with no doubts, floorp will fit your needs.


A somehow old (2021) but interesting article about why the community is moving from wpa-supplicant to iwd:

Here is an excerpt of interest: “The description of the iwd project on highlights simplicity as an important factor behind iwd’s recent rise: “The core goal of the project is to optimize resource utilization: storage, runtime memory, and link-time costs. This is accomplished by not depending on any external libraries and utilizing features provided by the Linux Kernel to the maximum extent possible. The result is a self-contained environment that only depends on the Linux Kernel and the runtime C library.””

ArchLinux and Ubuntu respectively tested iwd on July 2020 and in Ubuntu 20.10.

reply the 1600€ but is so expensive for me, but i like it very much even the concept

Have you looked at the DYI option instead of the pre built one? Assembling this laptop is doable in 5 minutes for a 3 years old kid ;) You can even find step by step guides videos and that will bring the price down to your higher limit of 1000 euro. That may be a good option if you like the concept so much. I’m personaly looking to get one of those for my next machine.

Also, this discussion may help you. It’s on the framework forum but comments are not only all positive which reflects liberty of speech. Another plus in my view. Finally, always remember to compare apples to apples and take longevity in consideration. Not all processors with similar specs are the same for example.


I’ve explained my choice for zsh here

Nicely configured it’s so convenient that I spend most of my time in the terminal and don’t even use a file explorer anymore. It can also be expanded with some plugins for specific use-cases.
