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The place for all book enthusiasts especially audiobook levers to come together and share their love for the written word in audio format.

  1. Please be civil
  2. You can express your opinion but your opinion is as correct as anyone else’s
  3. Share sources, platforms, apps or anything else related Audiobooks
  4. Do not link directly to copyrighted material

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  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 5


  • 5


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1. Please be kind and helpful to one another.

2. No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, spam.

3. Linking to piracy sites is fine, but please keep links directly to pirated content in DMs.

4. Self-Promotion is fine as long as you don’t spam, and the community you’re in allows it.

5. Please mark all NSFW communities / posts, and keep in mind we will ban users who post loli/shota, bestiality, CSAM or NSFL content.