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General chit-chat for lib dot lgbt.

Tell us who you are; why you’re here; what you’re up to today; or, really, anything.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 34


  • 80




lib dot lgbt is positive and welcoming lemmy community with a particular focus on LGBT people and their allies. We welcome queers of all stripes, and our non-queer friends of all kinds!

Our interests are as diverse as we are! Feel free to discuss here:

  • Politics
  • Programming
  • Games
  • Computers
  • Queerness

And anything else that strikes your fancy.

Our rules are simple:

  1. Be welcoming. No transphobia, homophobia, racism, misogyny, or other bigotry. This includes irony, memes, or “just asking questions” of the aforementioned.
  2. Be kind. Use respectful language when interacting with others.
  3. Be supportive. Do not spam or misuse the community, and help other people use it well.
  4. Be genuine. No trolling or harassment.
  5. No 18+ NSFW content.