
Dating Red Flags


Dating Red Flags


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This is a community for all the things that at least make you raise an eyebrow. You’re free to post screenshots, though please censor out private details. Text posts and memes are welcome too.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 12


  • 10


Community moderators



Welcome to lemmy.tf!

We currently require email validation for new sign-ups due to a bug with the Lemmy captchas. If you have issues or don’t receive a verification email, please email our admin team at admin (at) lemmy.tf and we will respond as soon as we can.

registration closed, spammers ruined it

  • Be respectful of everyone’s opinions. If you disagree with something, don’t resort to inflammatory comments.
  • No abusive language/imagery. Just expanding on #1.
  • No racism or discrimination of any kind.
  • No advertising.
  • Don’t upload NSFW content directly to the instance, use some third party image host and link to that in your posts/comments.
  • Mark any NSFW/erotic/sensitive/etc posts with the NSFW tag. Any local posts violating this rule are subject to removal (but you can repost correctly if this happens).
  • Hold the admins/mods accountable. If we start making changes that you disagree with, please feel free to post a thread or DM us to discuss! We want this instance to be a good home for everyone and welcome feedback and discussion.

Full rules post available here.

New to Lemmy?

Try changing your view on the homepage to All instead of Local. We don’t have many communities local to lemmy.tf, but have plenty indexed from other servers.

Finding Content

Finding new communities is currently not a fantastic process. Our instance does not automatically know about every single community on all remote instances, so they have to be “discovered” by at least one user on lemmy.tf to show in the community list. To find new communities, check out browse.feddit.de/ and start looking for topics that interest you. Once you find one, search for it using the search button at the top.

Content discovery should get a bit easier over time, as more users import communities into our instance. -----