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A recovery and discussion community for those who were once followers of Islam.

General rules:

  • Keep memes and low-effort posts for Fridays only, and make sure you add β€œ(Fun@Fundies) πŸ’©β€ to the post title
  • Remove confidential/personal data.
  • Don’t call out other users or communities
  • Content needs to be in context of the subreddit
  • Self-hate and concern trolling is not allowed. We understand that it can get tiring to see numerous dogmatic/extreme Muslims around you which might include your own loved ones BUT that is no excuse for people to then generalise their personal experiences to hate in a general sense people who might just happen to be Muslims. Posts like β€œI hate my dad because he forces me to pray” are OK however, posts/comments like β€œAs a Pakistani myself, I hate Pakistanis, they are so dumb and stupid” will not be allowed
  • Follow the general Lemmy.World policies

Community stats

  • 3

    Monthly active users

  • 366


  • 535




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