
Blind Main


Blind Main


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The main community at rblind.com, for discussion of all things blindness.

You can find the rules for this community, and all other communities we run, here: https://ourblind.com/comunity-guidelines/ Lemmy specifics: By participating on the rblind.com Lemmy server, you are able to participate on other communities not run, controlled, or hosted by us. When doing so, you are expected to abide by all of the rules of those communities, in edition to also following the rules linked above. Should the rules of another community conflict with our rules, so long as you are participating from the rblind.com website, our rules take priority. Should we receive complaints from other instances or communities that you are repeatedly, knowingly, and maliciously breaking there rules, we may take moderator action against you, even if your posts comply with all of the rblind.com rules linked above.

Community stats

  • 3

    Monthly active users

  • 175


  • 525



This is an instance for blind and low vision folks, and friends of the blindness community. We’re still in ALPHA! Sidebar content is on the way. In the meantime, if you’re blind/low vision, work with/in/around the blindness/low vision community, or otherwise a friend or ally of the community, your account application will be accepted.

Our logo is a line drawing of a lemming - Lemmy’s logo - but with an added small body, wearing sunglasses, holding a white cane on its right hand with a dog sitting to its left.


You can find the rules for this community, and all other communities we run, here: https://ourblind.com/comunity-guidelines/

Lemmy specifics:

By participating on the rblind.com Lemmy server, you are able to participate on other communities not run, controlled, or hosted by us. When doing so, you are expected to abide by all of the rules of those communities, in edition to also following the rules linked above. Should the rules of another community conflict with our rules, so long as you are participating from the rblind.com website, our rules take priority. Should we receive complaints from other instances or communities that you are repeatedly, knowingly, and maliciously breaking there rules, we may take moderator action against you, even if your posts comply with all of the rblind.com rules linked above.