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Non-Voters: Trumpists in disguise


Non-Voters: Trumpists in disguise


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Welcome to Non-Voters, a safe space for closet Trump fans, Stalinists who never did any direct action in their lives, and self-hating trans people who want to be genocided and to take the West Bank with us!

/uj This is a parody sub designed to make fun of non-voting liberals who pretend to be leftists.

Rule 1, Unjerk Tagging: Any genuinely held leftist opinions must be tagged with the /uj tone tag.
Liberal opinions we are mocking should not be tagged /uj.

Rule 2, Taking It Too Far: No slurs, no heil hitlers, bigotry shouldn’t be too believable, no misgendering.

Rule 3, Clarity of Satire: All posts should clearly be marked as satire such that nobody scrolling the feed casually could think we actually believe this shit. Go wild in the comments.

Rule 4, Unironic Advocacy: People who actually believe in the conservative, liberal, stalinist, reactionary, and/or bigoted takes here will be made fun of in the spirit of the joke.

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Blåhaj Lemmy

Blåhaj Lemmy is brought to you by the kind folk at Blåhaj Zone, and while anyone is free to register for an account here, please bear in mind that this is a server that is very protective of our minority members and bigotry of any variety will be squashed with great prejudice.

We have three alternative lemmy frontends

We also have a public matrix channel at

Community Guidelines

Blåhaj Lemmy is a space where everyone should feel able to participate safely, and to that end, our community is built on the guiding philosophies of empathy, inclusion and acceptance.


We want our community members to be guided by compassion and empathy for others.

Examples of behaviour that are contrary to this philosophy are personal attacks, insults, doxing etc. If your comment is designed to hurt someone, this isn’t the space for it.

Inclusion and Acceptance

Embracing inclusion and acceptance means listening when people tell you who they are and what their needs are. It means not telling people that you know their experiences better than they do. It means not gatekeeping experiences of identities of others. It means no bigotry such as racism, sexism, anti LGBT commentary, ableism etc. It means doing your best to ensure that you don’t over-talk the voices of folk who don’t share your privileges.

Supporting Blåhaj Lemmy

After much hesitation, we have a Ko Fi to enable people to help with supporting some of the running costs associated with our instances.

Providing a safe space for our community is the goal, so please only consider donating if you are in a position to do so without any financial stress.

Mascot and logo

Find out about our mascot Shonky (they/them) who appears on our site logo here.