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A community for our favorite little yellow handheld

Community stats

  • 0

    Monthly active users

  • 1


  • 0


Community moderators


Apollo Town

Looking for something?

Lemmyverse is a useful search engine to find a community you’re looking for. Lemmy is federated, which means you can follow anything, from anywhere(unless we blocked it). For instance, to follow the “News” group from, type ! in the search bar while logged in here, and you can subscribe to it.

Don’t see a community you want?

Make a post in Community Applications, we’ll get you set up with a new community!


Generally we go pretty light on the rules - be nice and we can all get along! Admin word is law here, but we don’t believe in a heavy-handed list of do’s and don’t.


  1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. Be excellent to each other.
  3. Don’t post anything you don’t have the rights to - this is a bastion of free speech and open community, but we’re allergic to DMCAs.


Other inquiries

Please email admin at if you have any problems with the site, have something to say but don’t want to make an account, or to report anything you need to.

Federation problems? Here’s a few instances and whether we can reach them. This is accurate at the time you loaded this page, powered by our Netdata instance.