
/r/tech: Technological innovations and changes.


/r/tech: Technological innovations and changes.


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The goal of /r/tech is to provide a space dedicated to the intelligent discussion of innovations and changes to technology in our ever changing…

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 1.2K


  • 9



For questions or suggestions for this server or it’s software, go to !about@lemmit.online.

In !requests@lemmit.online you can read the guidelines for requesting a new sub and create a post - the bot will eventually get to them. If the bot hasn’t responded to your request, but it has to newer ones - try again. Requests for new subreddits are closed.

Registrations are closed - This isn’t supposed to be a community in itself, but to provide Reddit content to those who miss it in these early days of the Reddit migration.

The code to the bot is open source and can be found on gitlab.